Archive for August, 2011


Actor Gerard Depardieu Pees on Air France Plane as In-Cabin Urination Epidemic Spreads to Europe

In the second notable urination incident in a week, French movie star Gerard Depardieu reportedly relieved himself in the cabin of an Air France flight from Paris to Dublin on Tuesday.
by admin


Discount Airlines Betting Big in Las Vegas

Several low cost carriers are banking on an economic turnaround in Las Vegas, home of the highest unemployment rate in the nation.
by Dan Landson


First Air 737 Crashes in Northern Canada, Killing 12

A Boeing 737-200 carrying 15 people crashed in the Canadian Arctic Saturday afternoon, killing 12 of them. The condition of the three survivors was not immediately known.
by admin



German Air Traffic Controllers Set to Strike Tuesday Morning

The German Trade Union of Air Traffic Control has called on its 5,500 members to participate in a six-hour strike on Tuesday morning, risking major disruption.
by BNO News


Are Some Popular Photo Sharing Sites Taking a Byte Out of Your Image Quality?

Ever notice imperfections in your uploaded photos that weren't there before? Us too!
by Mark Hsiung