Archive for August, 2011


Romney Calls on New Libyan Government to Extradite Pan Am Flight 103 Bomber

U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Monday called upon Libya's Interim Transitional National Council to arrest and extradite the man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing.
by BNO News


Drunk Passenger Uses 11-Year-Old Girl as Urinal While Another Man Pukes on Grossest JetBlue Flight Ever

About 150 JetBlue passengers experienced perhaps the most disgusting flight ever when a drunk 18-year-old urinated on a young girl and then another man vomited on himself.
by admin


UK Orders 14 New Chinook Helicopters from Boeing in $1.6 Billion Deal

British Defense Secretary Liam Foxon Monday announced that the Royal Air Force has agreed to buy more than a dozen new Chinook helicopters worth $1.64 billion for its mission in Afghanistan.
by BNO News



New Zealand Engineer Dead After Being Sucked Into Plane Engine

Police in New Zealand are investigating the death of an aircraft engineer, Miles Hunter, 51, who was sucked into the engine of a C-130 Hercules transport plane early Monday morning.
by BNO News

Test aircraft ZA102, piloted by 787 Chief Test Pilot Capt. Mike Carriker, touches down on its final certification flight, a 90-minute hop from Billings, Mont

Boeing 787 Completes Certification Test Flights

What started as a dream back in 2004 with an announcement on Wall Street, All Nippon Airways and Boeing launched an all new aircraft that was then called the 7E7 Dreamliner. On Wednesday, the dream inched closer to reality, as ...
by Brandon Farris