Archive for August, 2011


Russia’s Second Plane Crash in Two Days Kills 11

At least 11 people died when an Avis Amur Antonov An-12 cargo plane crashed in Russia's Far East on Tuesday, officials said.
by BNO News


Interactive Photo: Boeing 787 Dreamliner Cockpit

Click, zoom and drag the image below to explore all the buttons, knobs and displays in the the state-of-the-art all-glass cockpit in the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
by admin


ANA Announces First Routes for New 787 Dreamliner

All Nippon Airlines on Tuesday announced the first routes on which it will use its new Boeing 787 Dreamliner, with Beijing, Frankfurt, Okayama, Hiroshima and Hong Kong all getting visits in the first months of service.
by admin



Discount Airlines Betting Big in Las Vegas

Several low cost carriers are banking on an economic turnaround in Las Vegas, home of the highest unemployment rate in the nation.
by Dan Landson


Teen Who Urinated on JetBlue Passenger Kicked Off US Ski Team

Robert "Sandy" Vietz was dismissed from a U.S. Ski Team on Friday after news reports emerged he urinated on a young girl during a JetBlue flight from Oregon to New York.
by BNO News