Spirit Airlines Linsanely Low Fares

Spirit Airlines Jumps On the Jeremy Lin Bandwagon

Following their time-honored tradition of using sales inspired by current events, Spirit's latest email sale recites one of the dozens of puns the sports media have come up with for the surname of breakout Knicks star Jeremy Lin.
by admin


Gate Agents: Pawns of the Airline Industry

Their role in being the ones out front who often end up being sacrificed for those standing behind them is the reason that they are indeed the pawns of the industry.
by Phil Derner Jr.

Philadelphia Police patch

Flight Attendant Caught With Loaded Gun at Philadelphia Airport, Cop Accidentally Fires It

A Republic Airways flight attendant and a Philadelphia cop are both in trouble after an incident with a loaded gun at Philadelphia Airport.
by admin


Boeing owned Candadair T-33 (N416X).

Boeing Flight Test Photographer: World’s Greatest Avgeek Job?

Meet a team whose job it is to fly around in vintage fighter jets to take pictures of new Boeings.
by admin


Fatal Facts: Analyzing the Truth Behind Airline Crash Safety Statistics

We always hear how safe air travel is, referenced with various brief stats and phrases, but where do they come from? Here's the air travel safety breakdown.
by Phil Derner Jr.