Posts Tagged ‘videos’


Concorde Cockpit Videos: Takeoff, Acceleration and Landing

Awesome cockpit action from a British Airways Concorde flying from London Heathrow to JFK. Takeoff, supersonic acceleration and climb, descent and landing are shown in these three clips. Unbelievable how complex the cockpit was...
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Challenger disaster video by Jeffrey Ault

Video: Another Amateur Video of Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion Revealed

For the third time in two years, unseen footage of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster has been uncovered, this time from a teenager using a Super 8 movie camera.
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Iran Air Fokker 100 landing with nose gear failure.

Video: Watch An Iran Air Plane Land After Its Nose Gear Wheel Falls Off

This Iran Air Fokker F-100 lost one of the two wheels that make up its nose landing gear while taking off from Tehran for Ahwaz.
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The Lav: TSA Wants to Inspect Your Monkey and Off-Roading In an Aeroflot Ilyushin

A look at the TSA's new guidelines for protection against monkey bombs, AirTran and Southwest exchange ads in a commercial war, instructional video of how NOT to land an Ilyushin and more!
by Andy Bokanev


Reno Air Race Crash Kills and Injures Scores of Spectators

As many as 12 people were killed and 75 injured Friday afternoon when a plane taking part in the Reno Air Races crashed into a spectator seating area, according to preliminary reports.
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