Posts Tagged ‘Doolittle Raid’

The B-25 "Grumpy". (Photo by Bryan Heim/NYCAviation)

Mission Briefing: Doolittle Raiders 70th Anniversary Flight Prepares for Departure

The World War II B-25 bomber known as Grumpy will soon make a historic flight commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Doolittle Raid.
by Bryan Heim

One of the 16 US Army Air Forces B-25 Mitchell bombers that took off from the USS Hornet for the Doolittle Raid. (Photo by US Navy)

Doolittle Raid Scores First US Revenge on Japan, Boeing Changes its Name: April 18th in Aviation History

Jimmy Doolittle leads an unprecedented raid against the Japanese, William Boeing changes the name of his company, Roland Garros is shot down over Germany, and more...
by NYCAviation Staff