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Thread: New York Soda Tax Fizzling On Support

  1. #1
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    New York Soda Tax Fizzling On Support


    NEW YORK (WPIX) - A proposed new tax on sugary drinks in New York State appears to be falling flat.

    Despite non-stop campaigning by New York Gov. David Paterson and Health Commissioner Thomas Farley, the bill will likely not pass the New York State senate.

    Paterson was urging for the bill to be put into law based on two initiatives: the first to combat obesity and the second to raise much needed cash for the beleaguered state.

    However, a majority of Democratic senators opposed the idea, along with the entire Republican conference. With a 31-30 Democrat-Republican split in the chamber, the measure isn't expected to draw the minimum 32 votes needed for passage.

    If the bill were to be put into place, an additional penny would be charged for each ounce of soda and other sugary beverages that contain less than 70-percent fruit juice. The bill is projected to generate $1 billion annually if its fully enacted and will likely lessen the consumption of the drinks by 15 percent. ... 0639.story
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  2. #2
    Moderator USAF Pilot 07's Avatar
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    Re: New York Soda Tax Fizzling On Support

    They are proposing this same bill in Philly - doesn't have much support behind it, but the city is in desperate need for $$$...


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