Space Shuttle Discovery while being prepped for display at the Smithsonian. (Photo by Suresh Attapatu)

Photos: Inside the Mummification of Space Shuttle Discovery

An exclusive look at the preparation of Space Shuttle Discovery as it becomes a shell of its former self before moving to the Smithsonian.
by Suresh Atapattu


Orion Crew Capsule Targeted for Orbital Test Flight in 2014

The Orion Exploration Flight Test-1 is scheduled to launch the first unmanned Orion crew cabin into a high altitude Earth orbit in 2014 atop a Delta 4 heavy rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
by Ken Kremer,

Space Shuttle Discovery passes Atlantis on her journey to the VAB, and later, the Smithsonian. For a brief few seconds, the two spacecraft were a few feet apart, a scene which will never be replicated.

Photos: Space Shuttles Discovery and Atlantis Meet One Last Time

Sister space shuttles Discovery and Atlantis crossed paths for the last time last week before they are mummified and shipped off to museums.
by Suresh Atapattu


Challenger disaster video by Jeffrey Ault

Video: Another Amateur Video of Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion Revealed

For the third time in two years, unseen footage of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster has been uncovered, this time from a teenager using a Super 8 movie camera.
by admin


Video: Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Caught on Tape from Orlando Airport

Only the second known amateur video of the Space Shuttle Challenger tragedy has surfaced 26 years after the disaster.
by Phil Derner Jr.