Around the World in 80 Jumpseats

While the ability to travel for free is a definite perk of being an airline pilot, the ability to ride in the jumpseat is more of a necessary evil. It is small and uncomfortable, but it can also be the difference between a pilo...
by Eric Auxier


So Long, Senior Fleet

Today marks the end of an era as Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific Airways flies its last scheduled passenger 747-400 flight and retires the final 3 aircraft. Columnist Justin Schlecter takes a look back at his 7 years spent flyin...
by Justin Schlechter


Unstable Approach: Asiana 214’s Last Five Miles

What is a stable approach and how "unstable" did Asiana Flight 214 become before impacting the ground?
by John Steffen and Phil Derner Jr.



The Yin & Yang of Airline Identity (Part One)

Since the dawn of civil aviation, airlines have been devising and revising what they believe to be meaningful identities. But it’s the logo around which everything else revolves.
by Patrick Smith


NATs: Flying the North Atlantic Organized Track System

Each day, over 2000 aircraft fly across the Atlantic. Find out how pilots navigate and communicate on the North Atlantic Tracks!
by Ken Hoke