Flying Blind

We’ve just landed, picked up the car, and after a short drive, we turn toward a huge looming sign that says “DC Jets, Home of the 717.” Yes, we are here to do a bit of flight simulator training in the 717.
by Mario J. Craig O.D.

Captain hat

The Fact and Fallacy of the Looming ‘Pilot Shortage’

As the pundits have it, our airlines are running out of pilots. But is this true?
by Patrick Smith


Does Cabin Air Make Us Sick?

In reality, the air inside the airplane cabin is a lot more clean than many people think.
by Patrick Smith



Flying with the One Percent

A Ride in Business Class on the Airbus A380. Plus: My Strange Childhood of Airlines Real and Imagined.
by Patrick Smith

Up close with the shiny aluminum of an American Airlines 777. (Photo by Matt Molnar)

Brace Yourselves For American Airlines’ Imminent Rebranding

American Airlines is expected to unveil a new brand image later this month. And this doesn’t happen very often, so people might get upset.
by Dan Frommer