Author Archive

Computer rendering of the KLM and Pan Am 747s colliding at Tenerife.

WE GAAN: The Horror and Absurdity of History’s Worst Plane Crash

Like most other aviation calamities, the 583 people killed in 1977 when a KLM 747 struck a Pan Am 747 at Tenerife resulted not from a single error or failure, but from a chain of improbable errors and failures, together with a ...
by Patrick Smith


The Media’s Airplane Problem

When it comes to airplanes and pilots, mainstream journalism, like Hollywood, usually gets it wrong. Movies we can forgive. The press, however, we hold to a much higher standard.
by Patrick Smith


Terminal Madness: What is Airport Security? (Part Two)

Why can’t TSA exhibit common sense now and then? If we’re to believe that TSA screeners are well-trained professionals, why can't they handle an occasional judgment call?
by Patrick Smith



COMMENTARY: When A Pilot Dies In Flight

Once in awhile, it happens; but all flight decks are staffed by two equally trained and highly capable pilots, removing any cause for concern by the public.
by Patrick Smith


TIMELINE: The Golden Age of Air Crimes

Despite what many young Americans seem to think, aircraft sabotage did not begin with the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It has been with us for decades. Following is a list of some of the worst air-related terrorist acts of the �...
by Patrick Smith