Posts Tagged ‘Photography’


Journey of a Thousand Photos

Photographer Tom Alfano recently reached the 1,000 accepted photos milestone on He reflects on the great experiences he's had and the friends he's made along the way.
by Tom Alfano


Photo Roundup: Southwest Arrives at LaGuardia

Southwest put on quite a show this weekend to mark their momentous entry into the New York City market. Here are some of the best photos of the first arrivals and the festivities in the terminals.
by admin


Your Role in the Hobby of Plane Spotting

Many people have a preconceived notion that taking photos of airliners is illegal, harmful, or dangerous. They couldn't be any more wrong.
by Phil Derner Jr.



How to Maximize Your Camera’s Battery Life

Pack all the sunblock, Gatorade and protein bars you want, your long days of aviation photography will always be limited by the amount of juice in your camera. So what are the driving factors that you need to know about what tr...
by Manny Gonzalez

My first shot was shot in monochromatic mode. Just one of the settings I forgot to change before starting to shoot.

Photo Phail

Phil Derner shares a somewhat challenging planespotting experience. Aside from not being able to control the aircraft themselves, photographers must fend with weather, runways, road traffic and camera settings. Maybe he should ...
by Phil Derner Jr.