Posts Tagged ‘Mars’

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover. (Rendering by NASA)

Watch Live: Mars Curiosity Rover Lands on the Red Planet at 1:31 AM ET Sunday Night/Monday Morning

The Mars Curiosity rover, aka Mars Science Laboratory, is set to land on Mars Monday morning at 1:31 AM ET. Watch live video here.
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LIVE VIDEO: Launch of Mars Science Laboratory Spacecraft

An Atlas V rocket carrying the Mars Science Laboratory is set to lift off from Cape Canaveral at 10:02 AM ET on Saturday.
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An American Airlines McDonnell Douglas DC-10 on final approach to Boston Logan Airport. (Photo by Michael Philip Manheim/NARA)

August 5th in Aviation History: First American DC-10 Flight, Reagan Fires FAA Controllers

On this day in 1964, the Vietnam War's first U.S. air operations take place. Terrorists attack Athens Airport in 1973. In 1981, Ronald Reagan fires 11,500 air traffic controllers.
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NASA's Curiosity rover used the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) to capture this set of 55 high-resolution images, which were stitched together to create this full-color self-portrait. (Photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems)

The Mars Mystique

After 50 years of missions to Mars, scientists are unlocking some of the mysteries surrounding a planet that has long captivated mankind.
by Pete Spotts, The Christian Science Monitor


Elon Musk Announces Plans for Long- and Short-Haul Spaceflight

In light of his recently announced plans for the future of space flight, could Elon Musk's plans for a BFR be a BFD?
by Stephanie Gehman