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Thread: News is reporting only negative news (example)

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    News is reporting only negative news (example)

    The Media is contantly talking about the depressing economy that is starting to annoy me. That is not to say that the economy is having problems, but, the media is reporting on every depressing news on the economy that they can find, that it is starting to get a little annoying.

    Anyway, found this article on Starbucks that I thought was a perfect example:

    Title of the article:
    Starbucks to cut 6,700 jobs, close 300 stores, 200, in the US
    Scoll down to the end of the article:

    The company said it plans to open only 140 new stores in the U.S. in fiscal 2009, down from its previous target of 200. Overseas, it will open 170, down from the 270 it had planned to open.
    So, Starbucks is going to close 200 stores in the US, while opening 140 new stores.

    Also, Starbuck has been having problems since last year, & "all" of their problems may or may not be directly related to the economy. Once of Starbucks problems has to do with a "taste" problem & competition.

    So, what are your thoughts?
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    run out of other people’s money.
    ” - Margaret Thatcher

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: News is reporting only negative news (example)

    500 000+ jobs lost each month. Unemployment over 7% and rising fast. Abysmal corporate earnings. Stocks at a fraction of their value from last year. Circuit City bankrupt. Shall I add more?

    Yeah, things aren't that bad. :roll:

    You list one company that's actively recruiting and looking to hire a lot of people. They're at minimum on hiring freezes.

    As for Starbucks' problems stemming from the last year. Ummm...haven't we been in a recession since December '07? As for the math, they're closing 200 in the US, but opening 140. That's a net loss of 60 stores and it's called "contraction". Hardly something to boast about.

  3. #3
    Moderator mirrodie's Avatar
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    Re: News is reporting only negative news (example)

    To get back to your question, Mike, sure, our news focuses on the negative.
    Perhaps its the pull of human nature though I never took more than 2 courses in psych.

    Everyday we are saturated with the bad. Not to take away from the grandeur of the day, but I grateful Cpt. Sullenberger's flight was a success. It gave the media of a few days of something GOOD, GREAT, POSITIVE to concentrate on.

    And quite frankly, I feel that although there are some forces out there that are determined to take away from that day by stating simply they were doing their jobs, I felt America needed a hero, something positive, to focus on, if even for just a few days.

    Truthfully, I try not to read/watch the "Bad News" as I call it. Accentuate the positive, force change and reduce the negative. It's too easy to be negate and it takes way too much energy. (That is a fact.)
    And I, I took the path less traveled by
    and that has made all the difference......yet...
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