Photo by Eric Dunetz

Taking a Step Back to Appreciate Flight

In today's world of high-speed technology, so many take advantage of air travel, but forget its long history. Taking a step back and adding a little perspective can make airplane geeks out of anyone.
by Phil Derner Jr.

Ford Ecoboost 1.0L 3-cylinder engine block in a carry-on. (Photo by Ford)

Ford Demonstrates How To Pack An Engine Block In Your Carry On

From snow globes to cranberry sauce, the TSA has rules prohibiting all sorts of items, but it seems they left engine blocks off the list.
by admin

Mitt Romney campaign press secretary Andrea Saul tweeted this photo of firemen rushing onto the aircraft in Denver. (Photo via @andreamsaul)

Mitt Romney’s Wife in Denver Emergency Landing

A business jet carrying Ann Romney made an emergency landing in Denver Friday afternoon when the cockpit reportedly filled with smoke.
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Danger sign at St. Maarten's Princess Juliana International Airport.

Video: When Surfing the Fence in Saint Maarten Goes Terribly Wrong

The jet blast warning signs at Maho Beach are generally ignored, but a new video of a woman face planting behind a JetBlue takeoff might prove the signs are there for good reason.
by admin


Space Travel’s Biggest Benefit – World Peace? Why We Must Venture Further

Why do we travel to space? What if there was a reason greater than technological advancements and finding a home on other planets? Dare we say...
by Phil Derner Jr.