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Thread: Study: Media coverage has favored Obama campaign

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Study: Media coverage has favored Obama campaign

    Well, this report confirms what some of us have known for quite some time ... aign_media

    "Comments made by sources, voters, reporters and anchors that aired on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts over the past two months reflected positively on Obama in 65 percent of cases, compared to 31 percent of cases with regards to McCain, according to the Center for Media and Public Affairs.

    ABC's "World News" had more balance than NBC's "Nightly News" or the "CBS Evening News," the group said.

    Meanwhile, the first half of Fox News Channel's "Special Report" with Brit Hume showed more balance than any of the network broadcasters, although it was dominated by negative evaluations of both campaigns.

    The center didn't evaluate programs on CNN or MSNBC."
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  2. #2
    Moderator Matt Molnar's Avatar
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    Re: Study: Media coverage has favored Obama campaign

    Interesting study, and it will work well as a right wing talking point, but I don't think it really make the point it's trying to make. It only tracks the amount of positive and negative news, but gives no answer to why that's happening. The bottom line: Is the difference in the amount of positive reporting due to pro-Obama bias, or because McCain's campaign simply hasn't had a lot of positive news to report?
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