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Thread: Damage Report 4/16/11 JFK

  1. #16
    Senior Member ANITIX87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil D. View Post
    Keep in mind this has happened at least 6 times already, with very clear warnings/concern from myself and fellow members.
    I understand that. Internal consequences (within the website itself) are understandable and logical. Necessary, even.

    But for someone to ask that we let Nick hang out to dry is a bit extreme, I think.

    Antonis Panayotatos
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  2. #17
    Senior Member hiss srq's Avatar
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    Around here and near there.
    It's never a good idea to go into a hanger to aquire pictures that arent related to an event. I took some investigative pictures for a ground collision a few years ago at LGA and only a few months ago they allowed me to release them.
    Southwest Airlines-"Once it pop's it's time to stop" Southwest Airlines-"Our Shamu's are almost real" Southwest Airlines -"We blow our top real easy" Southwest Airlines- "You can't top us..... really"

  3. #18
    Senior Member NIKV69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANITIX87 View Post
    Yes, Nick should probably know better having been in the field for a while. But "let him learn"? Really?

    You'd rather see a fellow spotter get in possibly serious trouble with his job and maybe the law, potentially jeopardizing his career, than seeing someone offer a friendly reminder and helping him out? Talk about ruthless. Jeez.

    Friendly reminder is not singular in this case. It's plural and Phil's 6 times is low end when you consider how many times Fred has tried to help him. I wish nobody losing their job but when somebody just time after time uses the poorest judgement possible what else can you do? Permaban from this forum? Only alternative I can see.
    'My idea of a good picture is one that's in focus and of a famous person doing something unfamous.' Andy Warhol

  4. #19
    As a pilot, stupidity results in death.

    In Nick's case, stupidity results in a lesson learned among other consequences not resulting in death.

    Let...him...learn. The hard way. Not unlike Nick V, I've lost my tolerance as well.
    Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

  5. #20
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    A word to the wise...keep it under your one is to know...
    I've tried with him as well to only have advice fall on deaf ears. As they say, you can lead a horse to water...
    R.I.P. Matt Molnar 1979-2013

  6. #21
    Senior Member Steven Holzinger's Avatar
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    I'm going to chime in here, if you don't mind...

    Five years ago I posted some photos of people on another forum that have gotten me in a TON of hot water, lost a lot of valuable connections, and damn well near tarnished my reputation. I don't know why I posted those in the first place, and I fully regret doing so. Luckily for me, the people whose connections I basically lost from my actions have forgiven me for that little incident and absolutely love me to death with the work that I do.

    Like I said, it was very stupid on my part and I've learned my lesson the hard way.

    Nick, these photos are a great way for you to get fired. If you value your job, your income, and most importantly, your career, you will take everyone's advice and cease posting photos and other information you've shared with everyone.

  7. #22
    Junior Member Shamu737's Avatar
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    I have a question.. what is wrong with what he did? I don't understand is it because he took a picture of a plane that was in an accident? Is that why it's wrong?

  8. #23
    Senior Member Derf's Avatar
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    He posted images of a plane in repair inside the hangar...Close ups of damage, I would be worried about an outside shot but inside is way off limits for a public forum where an investigation is ongoing. Outside is OK if you do not work at the airport....not the case here. I would remove all images. Play it safe when it comes to your job.

    The easiest thing for us to do is watch with some popcorn, all the great pics and you get your unemployment check. We are doing this because we CARE about you and do not want to see you loose your job. You are going to need to get over the feeling that everyone is out to give you a hard time, we are trying to keep that from happening. Do yourself a favor, do not post one picture inside the fence from this point on. John Moose had access like you did but would never post anything from inside the fence line when he worked at JFK (if the internet existed at that time). Later down the road his shots are GOLDEN..... I fear that this stuff WILL surface as there are websites archive old data from forums and a refined search may bring up one of your deleted posts.... This is a big deal. Knock it off and remember....we are trying to beat some sense into you. It would be more fun to watch you get fired.... NOBODY WANTS THAT THO!

    A SLIP OF THE LIP will sink YOUR SHIP! You have a nice ride... I wish I had your ride! Stop screwing around!!!!
    Last edited by Derf; 2011-04-18 at 09:27 PM.
    The three most common expressions in aviation are, "Why is it doing that?", "Where are we?" and "Oh Crap".

  9. #24
    Senior Member NIKV69's Avatar
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    I mean really, it is that hard to think before you post? Think what did I take a pic of? Where did I take it? Who do I work for and where? Not to mention he has a ton of resources at the click of a mouse he can use in private if he has a question. Sorry but I feel zero tolerance has to be in effect here. One more and your gone. Period. Also to the mods here if you see content that can be a potential problem err on the side of caution and kill it. I think we all would be better off. Like Fred said, better safe than sorry and the thread can always be reposted but of the wrong eyes sees somethiing sensitive the damage is 10 fold.
    'My idea of a good picture is one that's in focus and of a famous person doing something unfamous.' Andy Warhol

  10. #25
    Program Coordinator
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    Guys, we've told him over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. What makes us all think telling him again to use his brain is going to change anything now?

  11. #26
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    The photo was removed from the post before I could see it. Only reason I'm not taking action.
    Email me anytime at [email protected].

  12. #27
    I dont know why me saying "let him learn" turned into me being a harsh or bad guy. For a situation like this, after numerous warnings and attempts to try and talk sense into him, I feel that we have done all we can do.

    Its almost like a child who is just tall enough to reach up and touch the stove. We tell them 100 times that its hot and will hurt and we do all we can to keep them from touching it, but they all have to learn for themselves and touch the stove. Guess how many touch the stove again?

  13. #28
    Senior Member Derf's Avatar
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    I'm not saying your wrong...I am just thick
    The three most common expressions in aviation are, "Why is it doing that?", "Where are we?" and "Oh Crap".

  14. #29
    Senior Member NIKV69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerslice View Post
    Guys, we've told him over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. What makes us all think telling him again to use his brain is going to change anything now?
    The definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
    'My idea of a good picture is one that's in focus and of a famous person doing something unfamous.' Andy Warhol

  15. #30
    Senior Member Derf's Avatar
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    I would like to meet the person who thinks I am not insane....
    The three most common expressions in aviation are, "Why is it doing that?", "Where are we?" and "Oh Crap".


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