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Thread: My favorite aviation joke

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    My favorite aviation joke

    A couple of drinking buddies who are airplane mechanics are in a hangar at JFK New York.

    It's fogged in and they have nothing to do. One of them says to the other, "Man, have you got anything to drink?"

    The other one says, "Nah, but I hear you can drink jet fuel, and it will kinda give you a buzz."

    So they do drink it, get smashed and have a great time, like only drinking buddies can.

    The following morning, one of the men wakes up and he just knows his head will explode if he gets up, but it doesn't. He gets up and feels good. In fact, he feels great! No hangover!

    The phone rings. It's his buddy. The buddy says, "Hey, how do you feel?"

    "Great", he said! "Just great"! The buddy says, "Yeah, I feel great too, and no hangover. That jet fuel stuff is great. We should do this more often!

    "Yeah, we could, but there's just one thing . . . "

    "What's that?"

    "Did you fart yet?"

    "No . . . "

    "Well, DON'T, 'cause I'm in Phoenix"

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas

    Re: My favorite aviation joke

    Just outside the town of Gun Barrel City here in Texas (actual town SE of Dallas, believe it or not) there's an old farmer with a hunting dog named Co-Pilot known for his skills. One day a group guys from Dallas come to the farmer's double-wide.

    "We heard you have this amazing hunting dog named Co-Pilot and we'd like to rent him if that was okay by you" they ask.

    "Well, I reckon that'd be all right" replied the old farmer, "what you boys say about $1000 for the weekend? I assure you Co-Pilot's worth every penny."

    The city boys from Dallas discuss amongst themselves and agree to pay the farmer one grand. They take Co-Pilot with them for the weekend and come back on Sunday evening having had a very successful hunt.

    This routine would continue each year for several years. The same group of city boys from Dallas would come out to Gun Barrel City and pay the farmer one grand to use Co-Pilot for the weekend. And every single time, they have their most successful hunt of the year.

    One year they come out to the old farmer's double wide and there's Co-Pilot, running around the property chasing cats.

    "We're back again and here's another thousand to rent Co-Pilot for the weekend."

    "Hell, I don't need a grand. For twenty bucks you can have that useless mutt and you can keep him."

    "What happened to Co-Pilot?"

    "'Bout two weeks back some airline fellers rented him and one of them knuckleheads called him Captain by mistake. Ever since then all he does is bark and sit on his ass and he only gets up to chase some pu$$y."
    J.P. Santiago/KDFW/KDAL


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