
Type: Posts; User: B6Busdriver

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  1. I wounldn't bother writing it down. I think what...

    I wounldn't bother writing it down. I think what we are all trying to say in the nicest possible way is that you are truly wasting your time. I'm hoping this is all just a school project or something...
  2. I'm just curious is this something your doing for...

    I'm just curious is this something your doing for a class in school or is it something that you are doing in your spare time. I would never think to rain on a kids dream but lets look at all this...
  3. There is a serparate handle to arm the ground...

    There is a serparate handle to arm the ground spoilers, they auto deploy with the handle armed, thrust levers idle, and greater than 72 knots ground speed. The auto break system is independant. The...
  4. Thats a really great question, one I'd need to...

    Thats a really great question, one I'd need to talk to the crew to answer. If it was a simple autobreak fault there really would be no need to burn gas unless they were overwieght. The result of the...
  5. I had the same thing going to LGB last month, we...

    I had the same thing going to LGB last month, we never told a soul. We ran the QRH on climbout flew the transcon and landed at LGB without a worry. If it was just an autobreak fault its no big deal...
  6. Replies

    I've asked about PVD and have been told it's not...

    I've asked about PVD and have been told it's not on the radar. It was for quite some time before we started BDL but it was decided that BDL was far more underutilized. Plus CT has a very high...
  7. Replies

    To Only way I could see us opening up Islip is if...

    To Only way I could see us opening up Islip is if we are looking to add new route from JFK. Moving some flights from JFK out there would free up some slots but from everything I've heard we would not...
  8. Excited for the growth without a doubt the 321...

    Excited for the growth without a doubt the 321 will be nice but for the pilots its just heavier we probably will just do a computer study program for the transition. No sim.
  9. Replies

    Rio Linhas Aereas 767 @ FLL

    Hey guys I'm not really a spotter or photographer but I try to keep an eye out for cool stuff for you guys and I think I may have found something. On one of the ramps just north of the tower there is...
  10. Where in the world do I start... Let me first say...

    Where in the world do I start... Let me first say this guy is a complete as*hole. I've been reading the forum for a long time now, I follow you on twitter and I love this site. It's a great place for...
Results 1 to 10 of 10