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View Full Version : SDF / Kentucky Derby Arrivals?

2015-04-27, 06:59 PM
Just wondering if anyone has previously shot the Kentucky Derby bizjet arrivals (or departures) and can offer suggestions on which day is better.

I'm thinking about heading down there on Friday if that's a good day and catch some of the freight and commercial action, plus all the bizjets that typically show up for the races, when I was there for the airshow there were no arrivals on the 17s for a long time due to the approach going all the way out to the river, but looks like there is quite a bit of variety at SDF.

2015-04-27, 08:21 PM
I've never been up there but I'd check out KLOU & KJVY also. JVY has a 5500' by 100' runway so you might catch a Gulfstream or a Global there. Good luck and looking forward to the photos.