View Full Version : JFK 4/24/13 Spotting

2013-04-24, 05:23 PM
Gorgeous blue skies and light today. Got out of work
early to do spotting at the mounds. As I'm driving there
the blue turns to gray, and then to dense fog. All in less
than a half hour. WTF??
It's now almost zero zero visibility. Heading home
with nuthin'. :(
If anyone shot anything JFK today, here's your thread to

2013-04-24, 05:51 PM
Gorgeous blue skies and light today. Got out of work
early to do spotting at the mounds. As I'm driving there
the blue turns to gray, and then to dense fog. All in less
than a half hour. WTF??
It's now almost zero zero visibility.

Did Manny go out to the airport this afternoon? Sounds like the only reasonable explanation :wink:

2013-04-24, 07:17 PM
Don that's the same thing that happened to me...i left work with blue skies and sweet light...as i entered queens all i could see was clouds rolling in....i wanted to get the Air France Cargo....

2013-04-24, 08:49 PM
Gee .... No pictures of the fog at least?

2013-04-24, 09:05 PM
Don that's the same thing that happened to me...i left work with blue skies and sweet light...as i entered queens all i could see was clouds rolling in....i wanted to get the Air France Cargo....

Yep. At lunchtime I was amazed it how crisp and clear it was out. Almost like the light you find in Ca.
Well, the upcoming weekend looks promising. :smile:

2013-04-24, 09:08 PM
I'm going through my unprocessed files now, so I can at least get my aviation fix for the day. :tongue:

2013-04-24, 09:09 PM
I was just out of QMT eastbound after work and saw that impressive fog rolling in. It looked very stormy from where I was and expected pouring rain in Forest Hills where I live, although it remained dry. Definitely not what you want for spotting.