View Full Version : Are We Forgetting?

2012-09-11, 07:57 PM
Today is the 11th Anniversary of the horrific terror attack on the United States and the murder of thousands of people.
But are we slowly forgetting?
At my job for the last 10 years they would make a rememberance announcement over the PA system before we opened. Today, nothing but business related!! Not a
A number of my coworkers remarked to me "Oh, today is 9/11"?
And you get the idiots at NBC/Today Show.....http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/nbc-today-show-skips-9-11-moment-silence-favor-kardashian-mom-interview-article-1.1156704

For me I will never ever forget, having been in Manhattan that day and losing a good family friend, my younger brothers best friend who was in Squad 18 FDNY!!
But my oldest son made my day when he texted me "Love you dad. They just said Mannys name". He was watching the reading of the names!! Not ashamed to say i
teared up and quickly texted the rest of my family!!

2012-09-11, 08:30 PM
I don't think we are forgetting but I get the impression many are not putting as much emphasis on it. Unfortunately this will be a gradual thing year after year. Just like Pearl Harbor.

2012-09-11, 08:32 PM
Usually emphasis is placed on 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 and then 100 year anniversaries...

2012-09-11, 10:18 PM
Never forgetting .... a high school friend lost his life that day.

2012-09-11, 10:22 PM
I dont thnk anyone is forgetting .

My gosh, we were so naive then. 11 years ago today I was a resident at the VA hospital. Watching the events unfold in a waiting room full of Korean Vietnam and WW2 vets....No clear answer about the first plane.

But the moment the second plane hit, the room of Vets already called it. We were under attack. Our facility was immediately placed on lockdown. I remember immediately thinking, "We're in a building full of old men, who's going to attack them?" And like that, reality smacked me as to what was going on. Everything is a target. reality has changed.

No we'll never forget. But I have to say while I remember in my own way, I am glad there wasn't the 'usual' building up to the day, almost as if an event. Its a somber date of remembrance and this morning was a poignant one, being how it was a Tuesday morning with the same weather.

2012-09-11, 11:13 PM
I was pleased at how many people on Facebook still changed their profile photos and made a status about 9/11, remembering it. I hardly think the memory is fading.

2012-09-11, 11:42 PM
I had a feeling there would be much less made of 'remembering' Sept 11th once we passed the 10-year anniversary. It is simply human nature to want to heal, and it isn't necessarily a bad thing to see people trying to move on. In fact, for very traumatized populations such as folks with PTSD, you want to encourage healthy alternative behaviors that don't detract from appropriate forms of grieving. Of course, what's considered appropriate from a psychologist's point of view can vary greatly depending on the person and the behavior. And don't forget what you aren't seeing- the use of emotional support networks(therapists, friends and family, support groups) by those still needing assistance, for example.

For last year's observance I put myself on the deck of the Intrepid that morning because I felt it was important for me to be in NYC, it was my way of saying 'screw them'. Today it was enough to watch some CNN coverage and get lost in my thoughts for a few minutes. To each his own.

And shows like the 'Today' show I just outright avoid, their incessant chattering about nothing is totally aggravating.

Matt Molnar
2012-09-12, 03:49 PM
I don't think we'll ever forget, especially those of us who were in NY that day. Many are reminded just about everyday of those events, especially those who had some personal connection to people who died, and those of us dealing with the aviation business and/or law enforcement.

I think some of the fuss is beginning to subside, and rightfully so. We can move on without forgetting. Should we care that the Post and the Times didn't left 9/11 off their covers and the Today show was chatting with a Kardashian or whoever? No, I don't think it's a big deal.