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View Full Version : Introducing "Valk Aviation" from the Netherlands

Valk Aviation
2012-08-05, 03:11 PM
Hi there,

I wanna introduce myself as a new member here at NYC Aviation.

Since three years ago I'm a planespotter and videographer.
When you get the virus you can't without it. So I do love the aviation and like to share with the enthousiastics.
Mostly I do videograph at our national airport "Amsterdam Schiphol Airport"

I was born in the neigbourhood,Haarlem,and was get used to the sound of aircrafts and see them flying above the city.

As I told I did get the virus 3 years ago. I work for Hästens Beds in the middle of The Netherlands and was delivering at a small village besides Schiphol AIrport.
My colleage's wife is flying as stewardess at the long haul flights for KLM.
So with the same interest we decides to have lunchtime at a spottingplace. We walked into a place for hiring trucks and arrived at a beautful location,
just 1oo meters in front of the runway. Made some video's with my cellphone. I was really amazed and excited.

So I became a planespotter. I did prefer videograping instead of photographing.
Did buy a cam by Canon,lateron a tripod and a aviation-scanner by Realistic/RadioShack.

Through the years I did shange my equipment. At the moment I do videograph with the Canon Legria/Vixia HF S21 at an Manfrotto HDV-501 mounted tripod by Manfrotto.
Sometimes I make some pictures with a Canon EOS 500D with the EF/S 55/250 for making shots I can use in the video's and frontpage photo's for my Youtube channel.

I was new in the videoworld,so I had to learn everything about filming techniques, editing and presentation.

At one of the most foreighn spotters-site "Atcbox" I did learn a lot,got a lot of comments for getting a better videographer and editor.

So I want to present my filmlabel "Valk Aviation" to you and share my movies and footages with you guys.
I created the name Valk Aviation by my behindname Valkenier.


A while ago I did bye a real USA jacket by Uncle Sam and did let making my label stitched at the back.
So the people can see who I am during videographing.

The label is created by J.W. Cage.
And this is the original showed at my video's.

Do have a lot of members out of the USA. ONe of the reasons to be a member here at NYC !
I do have some friends at Boston from the Boston Spottinggroup. They supposed me to get a membership at NYC.
Next to the spotters-sites,Facebook pages etc I deliver also Schiphol movies at a local television station "HaarlemmerMeerTelevisie"

I would like to have a great time here at NYC Aviation together with you all.
And I hop you will like my adds for sharing our fantastic hobby as "aviation enthousiastic".


Ralph Valkenier "Valk Aviation"

2012-08-05, 06:23 PM
Ralph.........welcome to NYC Aviation. Enjoyed the video and especially the head-on shot of the 747 rotating. Great work, looking forward to more.

2012-08-05, 08:11 PM
Hey Ralph, welcome to our group, great video- I love the clip of the 2 747's

Valk Aviation
2012-08-06, 04:09 AM
Thanks for the comments and say welcome to me.
I do have a lot of exiting video's and will post them for sharing our hobby.
Greetz from Holland,