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View Full Version : Image Stretching

2012-07-11, 08:07 PM
I know I've brought this up for the image galleries before, but I've recently noticed the same thing happens in the forums. Is there any way to prevent images under 800px, 818px or whatever the magic number is, from being stretched upwards to around 818px? Obviously, you'd still want the images over that size to be scaled down so it wouldn't break the site template, but is there any reason against just leaving smaller images alone? All the 750px photos I post here look like garbage because they're getting scaled up to around 818px :tongue:

2012-07-12, 12:14 AM
Hmmm, you sure they look like garbage because of the stretch? :tongue:

OK OK... seriously. I think the number is 800px ... but I had no idea upscaling was happening too ...


2012-07-12, 12:15 AM
Nope, I can't make it scale... does it look scaled to you? This is a 400px image

2012-07-12, 12:38 AM
Hmmm, you sure they look like garbage because of the stretch? :tongue:

No, it's mostly because of my yellow tint. Your 400px image seems to stay the same. So it might be a certain range that gets scaled up. Being the half-diligent web developer I am, I looked at the code, but the only thing I see wouldn't cause it to scale up (max-width: 800px;). If it was min-width: 800px, it would scale upwards.

2012-07-12, 08:37 AM
On this board, the IMG tag size controls have been disabled so you can't force scaling :frown: some more test images...

Original Size 400px wide

Original Size 512px wide

Original Size 576px wide

Original Size 640px wide

2012-07-12, 10:07 AM
Hah, that's what I was going to do :)



2012-07-12, 10:11 AM
Oh wait, your 400px did scale, up to 435px. It was just less noticeable. Looks like everything that's smaller than a certain amount gets scaled up a little bit(?)

Matt Molnar
2012-07-12, 04:57 PM
Hmmm. I've never noticed any upscaling, Cary, and there shouldn't be any code that causes it to upscale. As you mention, the only sizing in the css is max-width: 800px.

Which browser are you using?

2012-07-12, 05:19 PM
Cary, go get the Add-On "Measure It" available for Firefox, Chrome and Safari http://www.frayd.us/extensions/measureit/

Then, use it to see if it may be a browser-side effect.

Here is a shot of what it looks like for me on my end: [you can click on the images below for a full size version]

http://pictures.mannyphoto.com/photos/i-9mqbnN9/0/O/i-9mqbnN9.jpg (http://pictures.mannyphoto.com/photos/i-9mqbnN9/0/O/i-9mqbnN9.jpg)

http://pictures.mannyphoto.com/photos/i-5TwhtwD/0/O/i-5TwhtwD.jpg (http://pictures.mannyphoto.com/photos/i-5TwhtwD/0/O/i-5TwhtwD.jpg)

2012-07-12, 05:52 PM
Oh gosh, I'm a flipping idiot :biggrin: I'm using FF, and I accidentally zoomed in a step by apparently hitting Ctrl ++ sometime recently. And instead of just increasing text size, it literally increases everything. Sorry about that - feel free to delete this thread, or just leave it up so I can be publicly mocked :P In my defense, I'm pretty sure the photos in the gallery really did scale up via the code in the past :)

Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, while NYCA had the images zoomed, they displayed fine in the other forum I posted them in. So either the zoom is a per-domain feature, or it depends on the way the site is coded.

2012-07-12, 07:42 PM
Cary, look for the Developer add-on (if installed) and see if anything has been set that you should disable :-) Don;t feel bad, things keep getting more and more complicated. Remember the days of Gopher and WAIS? Those were the days :P

2012-07-12, 09:28 PM
Actually, now that I think about it, while NYCA had the images zoomed, they displayed fine in the other forum I posted them in. So either the zoom is a per-domain feature, or it depends on the way the site is coded.

I don't know for a fact, but based on my observations, the zoom is limited to the domain. To check, with a couple of NYCA pages open in tabs, plus a couple of other sites, I zoomed in on this thread, then switched between tabs. All of the NYCA pages were zoomed in, but none of the others were.

2012-07-13, 09:57 AM
I'm adding this to the list of items for when we revamp the forums. Posting photos and such should be as non-complex as possible and the photos shouldn't need to be effed with in any way.