View Full Version : Taco Bell air lifts taco truck to rural Alaska with helicoper

2012-07-03, 10:40 AM
So...yea. This happened. A helicopter airlifted a mobile taco bell to rural Alaska.



We just had to update you on the good people up in Bethel, Alaska. Last we heard from them, someone had played an awful, cruel joke on the whole town, leading the citizens to believe a Taco Bell was coming to town when really, it wasn't. The big ears at Taco Bell were listening to the town's cries of disappointment, however, and flew in a Doritos Locos taco feast of 10,000 tacos on Sunday to make up for the disappointment.

The nearest Taco Bell to the town is about 400 miles away, so having a Taco Bell truck brought to town by helicopter must have been quite a treat for those who love a bit of fast food Mexican. According to the Alaska Dispatch, it seemed that most of the town turned out to chow down.

Bethel's taco fest started around 1 p.m. when a Taco Bell truck was carried in by helicopter from the airport and set down in the town cultural center. For four hours, many of the 6,200 citizens dropped by to dine.

Even the former mayor showed up with five of his seven kids. He guessed that at times there were at least 600 people at once dining on tacos.

“You could take two if you wanted, then get back in line and take two more as many times as you wanted,” he said in an interview.

Taco Bell executives apparently heard about the hoax in early June, and decided to help the town out.

"If we can feed people in Afghanistan and Iraq, we can feed people in Bethel," Taco Bell CEO Greg Creed told the Associated Press.

Indeed, Taco Bell overlords. Indeed.

2012-07-03, 04:49 PM
You can keep Superman. My hero is the Bell.

2012-07-03, 04:54 PM
See...that is better than any commercial

2012-07-03, 05:54 PM
Prettty cool!! And that Huey was shaking pretty good when he dropped the truck!!

2012-07-03, 06:02 PM
Your trying to land an entire town LUNCH...NO PRESSURE!

I did notice that as well..... I hope he got a free Taco or two!