View Full Version : Batterypack?!

2012-06-09, 04:46 PM
My dad told me he bought a Nikon D300 for me so im thinking about to buy a batterypack here..
Its a way cheaper here than in Germany but idk if i need it..


What you think?

2012-06-09, 05:33 PM
Congrats on the new camera!

Anyway, I prefer a battery grip on my T2i because the camera body is on the small side and it adds extra room and weight so the camera feels better in the hands. Also it has a shutter on the bottom so it is a lot easier to take pictures vertically. Best of all, it doubles your battery life!

The grip I have on my T2i is also a Zeikos and it is great (none of the nonsense you get with cheap grips), the only complaint I have is after a year the adhesive glue that is on the rubber wore off in some spots.

I'm a big fan on grips but it is up to you.

2012-06-09, 06:51 PM
Glad the 300 I bought came with it already! :smile:

2012-06-10, 12:13 AM
I like the extra battery grip, besides having any extra battery it helps with shooting portrait shots. Typically I carry three batteries, one in the camera, one in the grip and a spare in the bag (not to mention a spare memory card).

2012-06-10, 01:51 AM
Alright.. its about 120€ in Germany and here its a way cheaper!

Maybe i will get it tmrw after spotting ;)

Thanks for your advice.

2012-06-10, 01:52 AM
i'd definitely get it. when i upgraded cameras the new one came with a grip can i honestly can't understand how i used to shoot without it!!

2012-06-10, 06:11 PM
i shoot a 30D and a friend had a grip with two spare batteries that he gave me at a huge discount...i can't imagine shooting anything without a grip anymore...between the ergonomics and improved battery life (i almost feel like it lasts longer than double) I wouldn't cough it up for anything...next to lenses, tripod and lighting gear it's the single best accessory I own.

2012-06-10, 08:53 PM
I use battery grips on both my D90 and D40x and I get a much better hold on the cameras now, it feels way more secure not to mention the added battery life

Keep in mind though- if you want more than just better grip and battery life, like increased frame rate, on that D300 I believe you need a different batteries and some other part, you can't just put the EN-EL3e's in and expect the 8fps, I think you need EN-EL4's or something

2012-06-10, 11:09 PM
I heard about that.. without the batterygrip its "only" 6fps but im totally happy with that!
They have some very good offers on ebay.de so i think im gonna wait untill germany..