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2012-05-30, 05:47 PM

I am casting a show for TLC and we are looking for people who have a
passion for aviation. Is there someone with either a large aviation
memorabilia collection in your group? Is there a committed plane
spotter you'd recommend us getting in touch with? I hope to hear back!

[email protected]

Big Tim #70
2012-05-31, 08:29 AM
See *Derf* :wink:

2012-05-31, 09:08 AM
Senga would be one of my candidates as far as dedicated spotters... Tom Turner too.

Fred's passion is bordering on unhealthy :tongue: he needs to get sleep!! :smile:

2012-05-31, 10:50 AM
Don't go there guys.... I would not want to see what would happen to the poor souls that try to keep up with me during and airshow..... ahahah

Can you see me running full speed around a Growler with two flashes avoiding hitting my head on the Fuel Drop Tanks, do not hit your head into the antennas.... doge the Camera guy and run out of frame and hit the ground for the first live heart attack on TLC.... ahahah

Lots of us have the Passion.... Few Live the Dream... A few of us have had one hell of a ride. Right Moose?


2012-05-31, 11:04 AM
I do know Fred should be committed! Lol

2012-05-31, 11:09 AM
Lots of us have the Passion.... Few Live the Dream... A few of us have had one hell of a ride. Right Moose?
It's been an amazing adventure, Fred!

2012-05-31, 12:52 PM
Some of us have the same passion but unfortunately not the same access to what we love

2012-05-31, 01:32 PM
Some of us have the same passion but unfortunately not the same access to what we love
It doesn't just drop into your lap, you have to work for it.

2012-05-31, 02:11 PM
It doesn't just drop into your lap, you have to work for it.

Very true.

2012-05-31, 02:31 PM
I'd only do this if they'd film me spotting at EWR as a furry, while Elizabeth PD chases me and takes me down from behind. That's exciting television right there.

2012-05-31, 02:45 PM
I wouldnt mind sharing with TLC

2012-05-31, 03:14 PM
My only concern is that this being "My Crazy Obsession", that we'll be cast similar as the Today show did without our knowing or control until it airs. But I'm willing to work with it in the mean time as we learn more!

2012-05-31, 03:16 PM
Some of us have the same passion but unfortunately not the same access to what we love

Ramp is so overrated I can't believe lack of it irks you. In fact I have it at three airports out west but rarely use it unless I really need to. The shots just don't command the hits anymore unless you're at LAX and your name is Sam Chui. Besides renting helicopters is the rage now. Personally there are so many spots outside the fence to be discovered and utilized you would do much better finding them.

2012-05-31, 03:45 PM
Ramp is so overrated I can't believe lack of it irks you. In fact I have it at three airports out west but rarely use it unless I really need to. The shots just don't command the hits anymore unless you're at LAX and your name is Sam Chui. Besides renting helicopters is the rage now. Personally there are so many spots outside the fence to be discovered and utilized you would do much better finding them.
It all depends on what you are looking for. Personally, I don't care about hits on photo databases - as I've said before, I haven't uploaded to either of the two big sites in nearly a year. But being able to get up close, see some really neat stuff, and share it here and other places is what I enjoy.

You know what gets me going? I was having dinner this weekend with a couple of friends from a photography group I belong - they don't usually shoot aviation, but were down at FRG for the show. One said to me "After seeing your photos, I don't look at airplanes the same way."

2012-05-31, 04:10 PM
Moose and Derf. It begins and ends with those two.

2012-05-31, 04:16 PM
You know what gets me going? I was having dinner this weekend with a couple of friends from a photography group I belong - they don't usually shoot aviation, but were down at FRG for the show. One said to me "After seeing your photos, I don't look at airplanes the same way."
I know what you mean. After last weekend, Kim yelled at me because now she looks up at every plane she hears. She said we've created a monster lol. But it is extremely cool to be able to share a hobby you love with other people who can find appreciation in it too!

2012-05-31, 04:21 PM
I know what you mean. After last weekend, Kim yelled at me because now she looks up at every plane she hears. She said we've created a monster lol. But it is extremely cool to be able to share a hobby you love with other people who can find appreciation in it too!

Kenny, that's great news to hear. When the person you share the bulk of your time with understands your passion for what you like to do, life gets a lot easier.

2012-05-31, 04:22 PM
Moose and Derf. It begins and ends with those two.

I've been on this site for like a week or so and I totally agree; they're the obvious slam dunk choices.

2012-05-31, 04:24 PM
In 2007 I started traveling with North American to some real armpits of the world. I sat in the cockpit for a ton of the flying and saw some extremely rare airplanes. But it just wasn't as exciting to me, and almost depressing, because I didn't have any other plane geeks with me to share that experience. That's why the ramp is cool sometimes, but gets old fast... I'll always prefer a nice afternoon with the group at Panera as opposed to some unique spot or access by myself.

2012-05-31, 04:24 PM
I know what you mean. After last weekend, Kim yelled at me because now she looks up at every plane she hears. She said we've created a monster lol. But it is extremely cool to be able to share a hobby you love with other people who can find appreciation in it too!

My lovely lady friend just sat through her 2nd Jones Beach airshow. Half way through Sean Tucker's act, while watching me revert to my 10 year old self, she just said "I don't care how, but you have to get your pilot's license". Found me a keeper!!!!

2012-05-31, 04:48 PM
It doesn't just drop into your lap, you have to work for it.

This wasn't for lack of trying, I can assure you that.

2012-05-31, 05:06 PM
And I could give a rat's a** about 'hits', people on a certain site get way too worked up about 'hits' like it's their passport to uber-cooldom, hoping to be revered as gods. They have lost their way, as far as I'm concerned.

I would just love being as close to the things as I could get without getting killed by them. While drinking Yuenglings and taking pictures of them, of course.

2012-05-31, 05:07 PM
It sure is nice John. I mean she's never stopped me from coming out with you guys or anything, but she never got the chance to really appreciate the art and grace that can be found in spotting. She wants to come out to JFK now too lol.

2012-05-31, 06:43 PM
But it is extremely cool to be able to share a hobby you love with other people who can find appreciation in it too!

Oh so true. I dont have the heavy weapons most of you guys use here but I just love going out with my Canon Powershot and shoot away, then put the good pictures on different Photo albums on my Facebook page. The feedback I get from friends, family and co-workers is amazing and they are always asking me all kinds of aviation related questions. Sunday night at a BBQ at a good friends house a bunch of us
just sat around discussing Jones Beach and Republic Airport. It was very cool.

Big Tim #70
2012-05-31, 07:16 PM
For me, it's all about the total experience.

I love hanging with some of you guys & the thrill of catching the right shot. If you're shooting based on the # of clicks you can get, then good for you. Whatever motivates you is all that matters. Personally, hanging on & off the airport, or going on road trips to see a show are what it's all about. I've met some very good people on this & other sites & I'm proud to know/hang with some of you guys. I'm into photography now because of these people.

Highlight of the weekend for me, hanging with 3 good friends on Memorial day, sunny skies filled with all sorts of planes buzzing & having my wife & 2 kids join us for some spotting. My 2 kids haven't stopped talking about it yet. To be able to combine my love of aviation with my love for my family is priceless. Thank you to those 3 guys (you know who you are) for helping me make that happen.

For me, that's what it's about...

2012-05-31, 08:01 PM
And I could give a rat's a** about 'hits', people on a certain site get way too worked up about 'hits' like it's their passport to uber-cooldom, hoping to be revered as gods. They have lost their way, as far as I'm concerned.

No, actually that is your interpretation of a situtation that really is just frustration from constant rejections and the unwillingness to do what it takes to get shots accepted. These sites you loathe happen to also be the ones that get the most people to look at our work. Nothing wrong with wanting max exposure. I too get emails that are gratifying. Sure I can get close to the action and it's really an experience to fly in a B-17 or almost get decapitated by an SP. I just don't have the time to constantly post it here like others do. Nothing personal. I would just rather invest my time in other ways. As for this documentary I think it should include people like Joe Pries, Art Brett etc. The slide guys who basically invented this hobby and put in countless hours and miles photographing some of the rarest aircraft you don't see much of anymore.

I would just love being as close to the things as I could get without getting killed by them. While drinking Yuenglings and taking pictures of them, of course.

Beer is quite good but doesn't mix so well on the ramp. May want to leave the cooler home. As for almost getting killed well running for cover can be fun. If the right airframe is involved.


2012-05-31, 08:38 PM
No, actually that is your interpretation of a situtation that really is just frustration from constant rejections and the unwillingness to do what it takes to get shots accepted. These sites you loathe happen to also be the ones that get the most people to look at our work. Nothing wrong with wanting max exposure.

I originally was going to write this whole thing out, but I'll just say I have to disagree.

2012-05-31, 09:33 PM
I'm with Eric. Spotting is about being out with good friends, chasing down a rare or otherwise special plane. Sure, it's nice to expand on an a.net or jp portfolio, but it's not everything. I treasure the friendships I've made through this hobby more than any rare aircraft I've been able to put on my memory card!

2012-05-31, 09:38 PM
While this seems like an awesome opportunity for NYCA, I would hate to see aviation be in the same category as this:


2012-05-31, 09:41 PM
That's it! Diapers for everyone for next years air show week! Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!

2012-05-31, 09:49 PM
While this seems like an awesome opportunity for NYCA, I would hate to see aviation be in the same category as this...

From their About Page (http://tlc.howstuffworks.com/tv/my-crazy-obsession/about-my-crazy-obsession.htm)

My Crazy Obsession pulls back the curtains to reveal some of the nation's most extreme and unique obsessions. The series takes viewers behind-the-scenes of homes that are dedicated entirely to the owners' infatuation with various objects, people, or lifestyles. These individuals go to great lengths to preserve the quality and authenticity of their jaw-dropping possessions and daily routines -- and, for the first time, they're allowing cameras to document their secret world of unbelievable, one-of-a-kind treasures and sometimes bizarre, never-before-seen habits and rituals. My Crazy Obsession reveals the time, money, and effort required to fulfill and maintain these uncommon passions.

The series kicks off with a couple that boasts a collection of over 5,000 dolls. With their favorite doll, Kevin, by their side, the couple plans play dates and parties to celebrate their always-expanding collection with other doll collectors. Some other addictions include: a woman who is completely obsessed with the color pink; a collector of mannequins who prefers them to real people; a wig lover with over 2,000 wigs in her possession; and a squeaky clean couple whose idea of a date night is admiring their collection of washing machines.
I think I'll pass...it makes Al Roker look good.

2012-05-31, 10:14 PM
Uhh...this is actually starting to look like a really bad idea to be involved with- we're not really like doll people and mannequin people...right? We're more like...the Nascar folks I think

2012-05-31, 10:22 PM
While this seems like an awesome opportunity for NYCA, I would hate to see aviation be in the same category as this:


First off, this is exactly my fear. We spend enough time convincing people that we aren't taped-together glasses nerds to have to deal with that in national TV (again). We've had too much GOOD attention to take a step back.

No, actually that is your interpretation of a situtation that really is just frustration from constant rejections and the unwillingness to do what it takes to get shots accepted.

1. Wow, defensive. ;)

2. The frustration, to me, comes from a site that demands you shoot "x" way, and that even though those sites have some killer photography and a long history of good thing (and bad), many people that they tell people how to perform their own art, which is the opposite of art. It's like "Arts and Crafts" workshops where everyone makes the same thing. It could be gorgeous, but it's not art.

These sites you loathe happen to also be the ones that get the most people to look at our work. Nothing wrong with wanting max exposure.

Exposure is a tricky one to me. Again, there's an assumption that people want that exposure, or that it's the reason that people do this. Some people just want to "expose" their work to enthusiasts, not to get the masses and non-enthusiasts to see their work.

From my own experience, yeah, part of me hated that some rejections were mounting up. The biggest frustration came when a majority of my time was spent cloning out dust spots. And then getting the horizon level within .1. I did this, often, even though I was completely content with my shot. Why should I be made to feel that my shot sucked because of the cookie cutter standards of another? It annoyed me. I still liked to upload a bit, but I felt like I was being judged even though I should have felt pleased. I didn't need to feel that.

It's great when you can get 10,000 people to view your photo in a day, don't get me wrong. But what this hobby means to me is so much more, that the hits become irrelevant.

Nick, I love spotting because I got to meet YOU, not because I get to see your photos. :)

2012-05-31, 10:24 PM
The show likes to show extremes, but I think we'd all like to meet this guy...


To me, planespotting isn't always an "action" hobby. It's people sitting around like their fishing, enjoying their companionship while getting some good shots. They'd probably need an additional (or manipulated) angle to make the hobby "crazy", which is what they are looking for.

I'm going to call her tomorrow and learn more. I'll report back.

2012-05-31, 10:36 PM
We're more like...the Nascar folks I think
As a Nascar fan, let me say thank you.

2012-06-01, 01:23 AM
It's great when you can get 10,000 people to view your photo in a day, don't get me wrong. But what this hobby means to me is so much more, that the hits become irrelevant.

Nick, I love spotting because I got to meet YOU, not because I get to see your photos. :)

Phil I think you said it yourself once that people enjoy this hobby in their own ways? Of course friendships made while spotting are something to be valued, but to some spotters getting the shot that garners attention is one of their goals. it's like that in every form of photography. Why are their photo contests? Why does the paparazzi do what they do?

You have to look at things outside the prism of NYCAV. Just because you find accomplishment in uploading to wherever doesn't mean you are letting anyone dictate how you shoot or what you shoot. This is complete crap propagated by a few disgruntled people.

As for the obsession thing, yea that looks pretty much like a train wreck, just like the Al Roker thing.

2012-06-01, 01:54 AM
It's silly to think I am trapped in this "NYCA prism", but I see what you mean...people can practice it in their own way. I just feel that people who ONLY adhere to the standards of other sites limit themselves. I'm sure you yourself, being good at shooting, may sometimes not take certain types of shots because your goals are to upload to Anet.

2012-06-01, 07:35 AM
2. The frustration, to me, comes from a site that demands you shoot "x" way, and that even though those sites have some killer photography and a long history of good thing (and bad), many people that they tell people how to perform their own art, which is the opposite of art. It's like "Arts and Crafts" workshops where everyone makes the same thing. It could be gorgeous, but it's not art.

Phil I completely agree with this and will even take it a step further. These sites that seemed to have come to demand that you shoot and uplaod photos a certain way and have set "standards" constantly break these standards. It erks me when I get somethign rejected for any of their reasons, and then I turn around the following day and see someone elses photo [that clearly falls in the same criteria for rejection] get accepted.

2012-06-01, 10:07 AM
Steve, your photos only get rejected because you shoot Canon *ducks*

2012-06-01, 12:53 PM
This is complete crap propagated by a few disgruntled people.

I’m not sure how what I said about people obsessing about hits and acceptance to what I feel is a crazed degree translated into me being frustrated and unwilling to live my life that way, but OK.

Many people acknowledge that there is more than a kernel of truth to what I said Nick. If that makes me disgruntled than whatever, but it obviously isn’t crap. I’m calling a spade a spade and nothing more.

Telling me that what I saw in an accepted photo that was obviously soft was “jetwash”, now THAT is crap my friend.

2012-06-01, 02:37 PM
Geez, if myobsession wants, you can do a whole friggin spinoff show called "Aviation junkies with their panties all up in their asses."

I dont know whats funnier, that you still keep idoling a certain blue site or that you keep idolizing it after having been banned from it! ROLF!!!

I dunno, but after kids, my whole attitude has changed. Yes, ramp access takes work, yes, I personally would rather prefer be closer to the action but
at the end of whether you upload or not, its all good fun.

2012-06-01, 08:38 PM
My phone call today never happened, but the light conversation by email with the woman didn't give me much hope.

I personally am deciding to avoid this filming because I think it will only shine us all in bad light. You folks do want you want, but I hope you do the same.

2012-06-01, 08:45 PM
My phone call today never happened, but the light conversation by email with the woman didn't give me much hope.

I personally am deciding to avoid this filming because I think it will only shine us all in bad light. You folks do want you want, but I hope you do the same.

Besides none of us have a first class cabin of an aircraft in our garage.

2012-06-01, 08:57 PM
All the more reason to manipulate a "crazy" spin on our hobby.

Big Tim #70
2012-06-02, 05:17 AM
Geez, if myobsession wants, you can do a whole friggin spinoff show called "Aviation junkies with their panties all up in their asses."

I dont know whats funnier, that you still keep idoling a certain blue site or that you keep idolizing it after having been banned from it! ROLF!!!

I dunno, but after kids, my whole attitude has changed. Yes, ramp access takes work, yes, I personally would rather prefer be closer to the action but
at the end of whether you upload or not, its all good fun.


2012-06-07, 04:35 PM
It sure is nice John. I mean she's never stopped me from coming out with you guys or anything, but she never got the chance to really appreciate the art and grace that can be found in spotting. She wants to come out to JFK now too lol.

Must be nice, I can't even get my friends much less a girl to go to an airshow... Oh well, guess I gotta break up the flightsuit and sing "You've lost that lovin feeling", just have to make sure there's no cameras around first!