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View Full Version : Idiots sneak into VCV don't get caught and publish it.

2011-10-25, 11:51 AM
Words can't describe this one. Wow. Do something totally incredibly stupid then follow it up with something more stupid by publishing it. I only wish this idiots got caught.


2011-10-25, 12:02 PM
Not much different than many of the other "urban exploring" sites you find online. This one was an aircraft boneyard, others are abandoned hospitals, factories, etc. Not something I would do, but they didn't vandalize anything, just took some photos.

2011-10-25, 12:32 PM
Not much different than many of the other "urban exploring" sites you find online. This one was an aircraft boneyard, others are abandoned hospitals, factories, etc. Not something I would do, but they didn't vandalize anything, just took some photos.

As usual you missed the point or didn't want to accept the fact that this is a little more serious than an "abandoned hospital" For people that shoot at VCV like myself we wouldn't like to see things get tougher to enjoy one of the best places to see aircraft you don't get to see often. I doubt it would lead to long term problems but you could never tell. Though my buddy who is the airport exec at IFP knows the exec there and will keep me posted as I emailed it to him and he wasn't so blase about it if it happened to his airfield.

As for the vandalize point I would bet a donut to 100 dollar bill that a person who would jump a fence in the middle of the night to get access to aircraft would most likely grab something as a souvenir on his way out. Again not something as far as damage but again something unacceptable to anyone except those with a feeling of entitlement.

2011-10-25, 01:13 PM
VCV is an active aerodrome so from a security standpoint this is certainly alarming.

The aircraft enthusiast bone in my body can't help but enjoy their photos.

2011-10-25, 01:39 PM
Nick, your panties are just twisted b/c that you didnt nail those moneyshots!!!!

LOL Just kidding.

Listen, I get your point. I can see your point re: vandalism as well.....(OUCH, it hurt to say that. ;D) IN all honestly, if this guy jumps fences to take pics, he has no respect for laws in general. So a case could be made for sticky fingers as well.

But .... looks like he's a visitor from the UK. You'd think our brillaint TSA would ask where weird confiscated items came from, no?

2011-10-25, 01:39 PM
There's a whole subculture of urban exploration; most people do it for the actual exploration and not for vandalism or theft.

"The unspoken rule of urban exploring is 'take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints'" -Source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_exploration#Popularity)

Here's a good example of NYC:


2011-10-25, 01:44 PM
I can understand if this may generate some emotions in people, but let's just be reminded that there is no need for any aggression. Let's discuss or even debate the topic, but avoid making it personal.

2011-10-25, 01:53 PM
Nick, your panties are just twisted b/c that you didnt nail those moneyshots!!!!

LOL Just kidding.


Much easier money shot without getting cut by barbed wire or chain link lol.

"The unspoken rule of urban exploring is 'take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints'" -Source

Then post it online? You have just totally left your footprint. Makes no sense. Not that VCV would probably pursue these idiots but they have plenty of ammo to if they choose to.

Let us also not forget how doing this and blogging it just gives bigger idiots ideas.

But .... looks like he's a visitor from the UK. You'd think our brillaint TSA would ask where weird confiscated items came from, no?

We are talking the TSA here.

2011-10-25, 02:25 PM
Personally the “urban explorers” stuff has really appealed to me. I would love to do something like this at other places, VCV in particular, except that I don’t think it’s worth the risk – particularly on an active airfield (which I will agree is not the same as an abandoned hospital). And if I ever did, I wouldn't be taking any momentos with me. Still, you might not be hurting anything but it is certainly trespassing.

The photos from this are definitely making me drool though, and it reminds me of a handful of guys (maybe the same ones) who boarded the decommed warships in San Fran bay and spent the weekends on them shooting. The shots were incredible.

Maybe VCV could see an opportunity here – arranging paid night-time photo tours…if the price were reasonable I’d do it.

2011-10-25, 02:34 PM
Oh man, aside from security, those are AWESOME pictures... there isa certain beauty to these in their form at night... nice and I wish I could do it... but I don;t have the balls to get caught :tongue:

2011-10-25, 02:44 PM
Clearly I did miss the point...

For people that shoot at VCV like myself...

2011-10-25, 02:49 PM
this reminds me of a video i saw a few years ago about someone apparently jumping the fence at ADW and tagging up on the #4 cowling of a VC-25.

as far as the urban exploring is concerned i'd love to do it just to be able to see old places that aren't open to the public anymore like old subway stations, WWII-era bunkers or turn of the century buildings that are still standing abandoned. the type of "urban exploring" you see online these days tends to be done by people with "look-at-me" disorders and are more concerned with the attention than the history.

2011-10-25, 02:57 PM
Clearly I did miss the point...

Yep, you did. VCV is open to everyone to come shoot. I can't help the fact that I take advantage of that. It's not a closed club. It's enjoyed by many worldwide who don't feel the need to hop a fence and do what these people did. Especially since it is also apparent that they will never return. That is the point. If someone pulled this at FRG would you feel the same way? There are spotters that like to enjoy the boneyards all across the country and would not like to see the officials at these airfields change their attitude due to these people.

tends to be done by people with "look-at-me" disorders and are more concerned with the attention than the history.

Ding Ding Ding we have a winner.

Most of the behavior and attitudes toward this and other types of behavior are this very point. "Look at me! I got the pic and posted it first" mentality. With total disregard for anything else. Which is why we see things like what happened at JFK and the cargo area. Just an ounce of good sense and thinking about the big picture goes a long way. All I am saying.

In the grand scheme of things I tend to agree with Moose about the urban stuff. As long as it was done for the reasons propagated. I would actually do it and love the rush but the pictures would be printed on paper and put under my bed. The minute you blog them it's a whole different animal.

2011-10-25, 03:50 PM
In the grand scheme of things I tend to agree with Moose about the urban stuff. As long as it was done for the reasons propagated. I would actually do it and love the rush but the pictures would be printed on paper and put under my bed. The minute you blog them it's a whole different animal.

I'm in agreeement with you both. Yes there are images taken that one holds closer to their chest. Lots of great rushes and adrenaline in getting the shots. But not at the price you've pointed out. I know I have done stuff that I am now wiser not to do, but to put them online?? Egads!

2011-10-25, 03:52 PM
Actually, now that I've had a chance to actually read the dialogue that goes with the shots, what I really dont like is how the are romanticizing it all.

2011-10-25, 04:10 PM
I applaud these guys!! The pics are fantastic! Its an old bone yard filled with future Coke cans, no one was hurt, nothing was taken, and the sun came up the next day....its not a big deal.

Matt Molnar
2011-10-25, 04:12 PM
this reminds me of a video i saw a few years ago about someone apparently jumping the fence at ADW and tagging up on the #4 cowling of a VC-25.

That video was fake, created by fashion designer/vandalism fan Marc Ecko.

2011-10-25, 04:57 PM
Just looked at other pics in his portfolio.

Here it is in a nutshell. I think I can safely say we all like the photos. That said, if you're the idiot that falls off that bridge, its your ass. Don't go suing the city, you deserved it.

2011-10-25, 05:26 PM
There will always be idiots out there causing further entrenchment of the nanny-state that fear built.

If anyone can figure out how to foolproof all the things we enjoy so that access to those things is not further imperiled I'm all ears. Until then all we can do is send a message that someone was incredibly irresponsible. Is anyone here outraged enough to do that?

2011-10-25, 05:55 PM
I agree with everything that's been stated...and I can understand Nick's pov whereby all photographic privileges can be revoked because of these people. Just like anyone else, I would absolutely love to shoot just like they did, though I doubt that I would do it without permission. Frankly, I'd rather incorporate my own photo business and make a convincing story to allow me to shoot through the night with the appropriate gear so I can light those bad boys up. Or accept the fact that I'm not allowed and deal with it.

I do give these guys a certain degree of kudos for having balls, but I take that all away except for one kudo for publicly romanticizing about it.

Food for thought, but could these guys have been granted permission to shoot from inside the fence? And because of their personality type and need for attention made up some badass story?

2011-10-25, 06:04 PM
As usual you missed the point

I noticed that about John. He ALWAYS misses the point!! Dont know how he survived this long. Sad. :tongue::rolleyes::wink:

2011-10-25, 06:25 PM
Food for thought, but could these guys have been granted permission to shoot from inside the fence? And because of their personality type and need for attention made up some badass story?

Always been notoriously hard. I have never tried but when I shot the DL A330 some photog was shooting it from the ramp came up to the fence and chatted with us. Best I can remember he said something about being their photog and it's easy to get a ramp tour but you can't publish anything you shoot. Didn't really seem appealing.