View Full Version : De Hoop Nature Reserve & Wilderness South Africa

2011-10-02, 11:58 AM
Stopped and visited some friends of ours in a very quaint little town called Wilderness. Seems home to a lot of retirees. Maybe one of them will be me in 50 years.


De Hoop Nature Reserve was easily one of the more attractive parks we visited, though it is worth noting that the park is privately run. It is most well known for their fairly large sand dunes and the ability to watch south right whales easily from the shores in the spring. Unfortunately the day we arrived was marked by very strong winds and rains. We decided to visit the sand dunes on the coast and are still cleaning out sand. But we got to see the whales, which was pretty cool. They were maybe a few hundred yards out, splashing around. Very cool. The weather was far better the next day and we took a walk along the beach and the tidal pools. The shells there are absolutely crazy, I couldn't believe the type, color, and variety. If it weren't a nature reserve and therefore illegal, I would've pocketed a fistful. Even the sand was cool.








2011-10-02, 05:40 PM
Superb scenery Jeremy... nicely done... love the colors and emotion in the pics, nice travelog style. My favorite by far is the last one... LOVE IT!!