View Full Version : China Airlines Joins SkyTeam with 747-400

Iberia A340-600
2011-09-28, 12:08 PM
Another Chinese SkyTeam plane to look out for at JFK:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/296225_10150337410748393_227713703392_8170664_2074 278819_n.jpg
reg is B-18206


2011-09-28, 12:19 PM
I may be mistaken but isn't this the largest SkyTeam painted aircraft? Come on Delta, you paint one too!

2011-09-28, 12:22 PM
I'd rather see Korean paint their A380 in SkyTeam colors before seeing Delta put it on their 747-400. But on the other hand, at least the SkyTeam colors would actually make Delta's 747 look good.

2011-09-28, 02:13 PM
Nice! Too bad we've been stuck with B-18251 and N168CL seemingly forever.

2011-09-28, 03:40 PM
Nice..........Manny and I will be on the hunt, unless Eric already got it.

2011-09-28, 06:22 PM
Very nice! Another interesting CI plane to catch in addition to the Boeing house color B-18210. It might be caught in day light in LAX, too.