View Full Version : KJFK 09-11-2011

2011-09-12, 09:11 PM
Decided to go to JFK on this day because of the relationship this day has with our hobby. I was also attracted by the VIP movements that day.

So far, only one image to post. The weather never got any better than this. I will post more later. Nice hanging out with Mark and Eric (the usual suspects) and meeting Sam and Amrish

(keep your hands where I can see them :tongue:)


2011-09-12, 09:20 PM
Decided to go to JFK on this day because of the relationship this day has with our hobby. I was also attracted by the VIP movements that day.

So far, only one image to post. The weather never got any better than this. I will post more later. Nice hanging out with Mark and Eric (the usual suspects) and meeting Sam and Amrish

(keep your hands where I can see them :tongue:)

No pics worth posting for me, but a good day hanging out with you guys. It was an interesting day.

2011-09-12, 10:00 PM
Wasn't there a flight escorted with fighters? You see that?

2011-09-12, 10:03 PM
Wasn't there a flight escorted with fighters? You see that?

Yes, we saw the f16's flyover jfk.

2011-09-12, 10:06 PM
It was a pleasure meeting Sam and Amrish as well (great guys to say the least). Will try to post some of my images as well. It was a day to remember! Nice shot Sir Manny.

Update: Wanted to get a tower shot of Air Force One, but the pearly gates at Bayswater were locked. Ended up catching the arrival from Inwood (the shot below was some what backlite, but it turned out okay). By the way........there were about 4 Nassau plain cops and 2 Nassau special forces cops in Inwood. Before shooting I approached them to make sure it was fine, and they said it was okay. I took my shot standing next to them.

Below is Air Force One arriving on the morning of Sept. 11, 2011

Air Force One departing a few hours later

Right behind Air Force One was the 757, not sure if anyone was on it or not.

Last but not least the clean-up crew (one of two C-17s). Not the greatest shot but it will do.

2011-09-13, 09:59 AM
The 757 may have been former President Bush. He probably flew in from Texas, and then back there after the PA visit.

2011-09-13, 11:16 AM
I am absolutely SURE there was someone in the 757... well, at least the pilot was in there :tongue:

Funny, once AF1 left, all security just evaporated... so whoever was in that 75 was not that important lol. I figured it was Michelle's ride on Thursday so it flew back to Andrews empty since the first fam flew together to Pittsburgh.

Mark, love that C-17 shot... very nice. Didn't even see you take out your camera LOL.

2011-09-13, 11:17 AM
Oh yeah, we definitely saw the F-16's .. LOL Although someone felt it was NOT meant for American Airlines cover!

2011-09-13, 03:07 PM
Wow, great shots guys! I was out the day before at Bayswater (for the Korean A380 finally) and then the mounds for a short time. I always seem to get the grey weather. How were you guys able to catch AF1 (knowing when/where?).

2011-09-13, 06:32 PM
Update: Wanted to get a tower shot of Air Force One, but the pearly gates at Bayswater were locked. Ended up catching the arrival from Inwood (the shot below was some what backlite, but it turned out okay). By the way........there were about 4 Nassau plain cops and 2 Nassau special forces cops in Inwood. Before shooting I approached them to make sure it was fine, and they said it was okay. I took my shot standing next to them.

When I went to Inwood to catch AF-1 in August there were two marked RMP's in the park and one unmarked unit parked on the golf course on the other side, on the course itself. I asked them if they were there for AF-1 and one of the officers said yes and we had nice long talk about airplanes, photography and our respective careers.

2011-09-13, 11:52 PM
Wow, great shots guys! I was out the day before at Bayswater (for the Korean A380 finally) and then the mounds for a short time. I always seem to get the grey weather. How were you guys able to catch AF1 (knowing when/where?).

AF1 is actually pretty easy to catch. Everyday the White House publishes the "public" schedule of the POTUS... so, do a search for "potus tracker" on Google and you should come up with The Washington Post... it has not only the schedule but also an analysis of the schedule (boring) but the sched tells you if he is going to be in a particular city or state in general. Then the rest is figuring out WHERE it will land. For NYC and surrounding area, it is almost a slam dunk it will be JFK. If so, it is 99% guaranteed 31L arrival 13L departure... unless the winds are howling from the wrong direction and even then, we have witnessed her leave contrary to what the winds dictate.

Last time before 9/11 visit two days ago, she came from PHL and it was actually fun tracking AF1 from PHL tower to departure, to McGuire tower to JFK approach and then JFK tower. I also love the absolute shutdown of the airspace and how smoothly and quickly everything starts to flow upon VIP movement completion.

2011-09-15, 05:42 AM
Great shots Mark... Still looking to get AF1 in good light myself...

Rich B

2011-09-15, 08:11 AM
There's also a TFR published whenever AF1 moves to a civilian airport. On longer range missions, a 757 typically goes along with AF1 using its fixed SAM## callsign. It serves as a weather scout, and can also be used to bring everyone home if the 747 goes tech for some reason. The Secretary of State also typically travels on a 757, and the jumbotron at the WTC ceremony did show a shot of Hillary Clinton, but I think she was there long after the President had departed, so it probably wasn't her.

hiss srq
2011-09-15, 09:11 AM
Manny, I wouldnt exactly call it a "smooth" start up. It is actually a pretty big pain in the ass usually because now you have a influx of airplanes calling to taxi and sitting in que to take off balanced with the arrival holds. It jams up the airlines.

2011-09-15, 10:48 PM
You guys make it look easy from Bayswater :-) I am just saying...

2011-09-16, 04:13 PM

Nice shot!!! She's so immaculate!!! Was this 13R departure? B77WYYZ (Kelli):smile:

2011-09-16, 06:18 PM
Manny, I wouldnt exactly call it a "smooth" start up. It is actually a pretty big pain in the ass usually because now you have a influx of airplanes calling to taxi and sitting in que to take off balanced with the arrival holds. It jams up the airlines.

hey don't forget us too...they make us file IFR when we could get out VFR and save half an hour of idling at 150lb/hr per engine. at least i dont have to pay for any of it...

2011-09-16, 08:35 PM

Nice shot!!! She's so immaculate!!! Was this 13R departure? B77WYYZ (Kelli):smile:

Kelli, yes... now that AF1 is back on the south side of the field, it is very easy and relatively smooth for AF1 to land 31L, roll off the end to the parking / secure area by Atlas Cargo at the far end of 31L and then quickly jump on 13R and take off to the Southeast