View Full Version : UN week is coming!

2011-09-02, 06:24 PM
And no thread yet? Or am I just missing it?

When is the consensus on when the notables should start arriving? I'm hearing the weekend of the 23rd, but isnt that a little late?

Who still has 'exotics' in use like IL62, 707, Tupo's, SP's, ect?


2011-09-02, 07:08 PM
I'm totally not driving you to the airport this year!!! :mad:


2011-09-02, 07:32 PM
I was watching the news and the President is scheduled to arrive and attend the UN meeting Sept 19-21.

According to the UN website here is the agenda:
Meetings of the 66th Session

13 September 2011, 3 p.m.: Opening of the 66th regular session of the General Assembly, UN Headquarters, in New York
19-20 September: High-level Meeting on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (http://www.un.org/en/ga/ncdmeeting2011/)
20 September: High-level meeting on the theme “Addressing desertification, land degradation and drought in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication” (http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/65/160) http://www.un.org/common/images/icons/ico_pdf.gif
21-23 and 26-30 September: General Debate
22 September: High-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (http://www.un.org/en/ga/durbanmeeting2011/index.shtml)

2011-09-02, 07:43 PM
haha yeah Cary, we kinda owe you one!

2011-09-02, 08:33 PM
I was looking at that as well, Mark. I suspect the big arrival weekend will be Sept. 17-18, with POTUS arriving Monday or Tuesday.

2011-09-02, 10:58 PM
I can't wait. My biggest desire is for a Russian Tu or Il, any of them and for some 707 action :cool: all else will just be icing on the cake...

2011-09-02, 11:22 PM
I can't wait. My biggest desire is for a Russian Tu or Il, any of them and for some 707 action :cool: all else will just be icing on the cake...
We've had all of those in the past few years Manny, and I suspect we'll see more this year. Unfortunately, one that we won't see this year:


It was destroyed in fighting at the Tripoli airport a week or so ago. The matching A340 is still in one piece, but I'm not expecting that back this way any time soon. Glad I shot them when I had the chance!

2011-09-03, 12:07 AM
haha yeah Cary, we kinda owe you one!

I'll remind you about it every UN Week until I'm too old to remember! I should really be blaming my own bad luck, but it's so much easier (and entertaining) to blame you and Justin :tongue:

2011-09-03, 01:33 AM
Man, believe me, it sucked to have missed that Tu154, but I know we felt worse that we cause you to miss it. You're def invited to join us on the next trip to Russia nxt year!

I also may have something to help you forget! haha, let me se eif i can make it up there later this month.

2011-09-03, 07:39 PM
Man, believe me, it sucked to have missed that Tu154, but I know we felt worse that we cause you to miss it. You're def invited to join us on the next trip to Russia nxt year!

I also may have something to help you forget! haha, let me se eif i can make it up there later this month.

A hooker? Please let it be a hooker!! :tongue:

Russia sounds awesome. I was thinking about going there last year, but didn't want to go alone.

2011-09-03, 11:19 PM
One word... Group trip to MAKS 2012 :tongue:

Moose, you're killing me with that one :-( Very sad indeed. Especially seeing it on the Nat Geo special on UN week (well, secret service, but it covered UN week)

hiss srq
2011-09-04, 02:19 AM
That is one visitor I am okay without seeing, I'll have front row seats to every arrival this year. Score!

2011-09-05, 05:38 PM
The matching A340 is still in one piece, but I'm not expecting that back this way any time soon. Glad I shot them when I had the chance!

Here's a look inside the A340 (http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/08/29/flying_qaddafiair?page=0,0), and a slideshow (http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/08/30/qaddafis_mile_high_club).

2011-09-14, 09:50 PM
Found on FAA site


2011-09-14, 10:22 PM
We've had all of those in the past few years Manny, and I suspect we'll see more this year. Unfortunately, one that we won't see this year:


It was destroyed in fighting at the Tripoli airport a week or so ago. The matching A340 is still in one piece, but I'm not expecting that back this way any time soon. Glad I shot them when I had the chance!

Moose, with the cloudy sky you would have been better off erasing the images as everyone knows it will never get on Jetphotos or Airliners.net.... Why did you bother? You can still delete it if you are "BROKEN UP" about that airframe! I am just saying!!!!

2011-09-14, 10:46 PM
What day do you guys think is the best to go? Unfortunately I can't make it out on the 19th for the Prez because that's a Monday. :( But would like to see some other notables and may be able to work a weekday around it. Been a while since I've been out.

2011-09-14, 11:00 PM
I think the weekend is going to be the days of choice if Monday is not doable. I will definitely be out since I'm vacation next week. Image that.........me planning my vacation around UN week!

2011-09-15, 10:51 AM
This year I will be out on Sunday...possibly Monday for POTUS arrival.

2011-09-15, 11:15 AM
Is Saturday or Sunday generally the better day? I can only make it out for one of the two, and I'd like to get out when there will be the largest variety of traffic, and the most people!


2011-09-15, 03:51 PM
Tis, I will be out Sunday-Sunday give or take all days... will have to miss Saturday.

2011-09-15, 04:09 PM
I'm guessing Mr. Gaddafi won't be bringing his tent?

2011-09-15, 04:13 PM
I am hoping to start this Friday and finish up next Sunday

2011-09-15, 04:58 PM
Its that time of fall for annual UN meet at Kennedy. Will be there Sunday.

2011-09-16, 12:05 PM
KAC009 (Kuwaiti Gov't) is headed into KSWF - arrival time ????, but judging from distance it looks to be about a 15:00-17:00 arrival into KSWF. Plus numerous biz due into HPN/TEB from Europe (but that could be the usual weekend inbounds from EU).


2011-09-16, 12:18 PM
Additionally, KAC003 is inbound from LSGG - Geneva, Switzerland - into KJFK, about 30 minutes ahead of KAC009 (which is headed into SWF) - so arrival into JFK is about 14:30-16:00ish. He is tracking alongside the Virgin A340-600 and Austrian B777, so when you see those - KAC003 should be near. Since KAC003 is headed to JFK - this could be the 747-400 or A310??? Not sure if the Kuwaiti Gov't uses "fixed call signs" like some of the other Gulf-regions countries.

Jeff Gebhardt

2011-09-16, 12:23 PM
FlightAware has that Kuwaiti (an A319) estimated to arrive at SWF at 2:20pm. They also show another Kuwaiti A310 arriving at JFK around 1:45pm and repositioning to SWF later this afternoon as well.

ETA...looks like I was writing as you posted that second update.

2011-09-16, 12:28 PM
Its that time of fall for annual UN meet at Kennedy. Will be there Sunday.


I have a trade show Saturday, so if I don't die, I will make it out Sunday too! Art should be around too. Miss you big time.

2011-09-16, 12:48 PM
This would be a good time to introduce myself to you all, since this thread is very popular this time of year!! My name is Jeff Gebhardt and I work for American Airlines in the Ramp Operations Control Tower at O'Hare.

Although I'm not a photog (just the souveneir "Sure Shot" snaps) I am a spotter. I do "numbers" - registrations. I collect airliners from EMB-120 to A380 size and biz-jets and also military serials, although I don't get crazy with the MIL serials - just what I am able to get at open houses and air shows, etc. I have been all over the world spotting...LHR (too many times to remember) FRA...AMS....CDG...ZRH.....BRU....Sao Paulo, Rio, Hong Kong (old Kai Tak twice), Shangai, Beijing, Taipei, Tokyo and more.

I may be out your way this next week - SEPT 20-22 - flying into HPN on Chatauqua, staying up by SWF and driving around doing the airfields...SWF...HPN....TEB...EWR...JFK...and FRG (as I understand from reading past years' threads that some stuff repos to FRG), So I may see some of you around "campus" next week.

We, in Chicago, will get SOME (but, by no means all) of the stuff you all see, next year in May, when Obama hosts the G8 AND NATO Summit in the same week. Should be pretty interesting around Chicago that week.

So that is all folks, just a quick intro to you all. I will be monitoring Flightaware and Flight Explorer from both home and work the next few days and will post movements/due-in/filed flight plans, etc as I come across them.

Jeff Gebhardt

2011-09-16, 02:31 PM
Thanks for the info. Kuwait 003 A310-300 came on 31R around 2pm. A sweet catch.

2011-09-16, 02:46 PM
And so it begins...




Welcome to NYCA, Jeff, and thanks for the heads up!

2011-09-16, 07:12 PM
Hi Jeff.. Looking forward to perhaps meeting you in the field... but just one aside here - FRG is a fine airport to visit - bizjets, helicopters, warbirds, and very occasional blimp or airliner, but re-positioning UN flights are decidedly uncommon.

Best Regards,

I may be out your way this next week - SEPT 20-22 - flying into HPN on Chatauqua, staying up by SWF and driving around doing the airfields...SWF...HPN....TEB...EWR...JFK...and FRG (as I understand from reading past years' threads that some stuff repos to FRG), So I may see some of you around "campus" next week.

2011-09-16, 07:14 PM
There is also a UAE A340-300 (albino) parked between 13L/31R and Rockaway Blvd.. tucked away. Its been here before though and quite possibly not UN linked.

Matt Molnar
2011-09-16, 07:55 PM
If I'm not mistaken, I saw one of the white + silver ring Qatar Amiri Flight A330s at JFK last week.

2011-09-16, 08:24 PM
There is also a UAE A340-300 (albino) parked between 13L/31R and Rockaway Blvd.. tucked away. Its been here before though and quite possibly not UN linked.

Saw it today, really nice looking... but horrible place to shoot it, even if you shoot through the fence, you have ramp warts all over the place :mad:

2011-09-16, 10:19 PM
There is also a UAE A340-300 (albino) parked between 13L/31R and Rockaway Blvd.. tucked away. Its been here before though and quite possibly not UN linked.
wish I could've been at HoBe for this one

2011-09-16, 10:41 PM
My first UN Week VIP ever :cool:

Departing JFK for SWF I guess...


2011-09-17, 12:43 AM
Here are my first catches for UN Week 2011



Qatar sunk in on 22L I think just as they switched runway configurations.

2011-09-17, 12:54 AM
Where did you shoot the Kuwaiti from, Mark? I was over at Firestone with Luke, looks like we had a similar view of it.

2011-09-17, 12:59 AM
I was in the Costco parking lot right across from Panera. Then after words, Manny, Eric and Scott showed up as well as the clouds. Headed over to the mounds for a few shots, but not in time to catch the Qatar.

2011-09-17, 09:22 AM
Any ETA on The President on Monday? I saw on CNN that he has a 10:30AM news conference in the White House Rose Garden.

2011-09-17, 10:09 AM
SGB 6402 "Sky King 6402" is a Boeing 737-400 that has just taken off from Havana, Cuba enroute to KJFK.....possibly not UN related. He is overhead Marathon Key Florida now at 10:15 Eastern Time. Arrival into JFK is planned for 12:30(ish) Eastern Time. Could be N916SK???

That's it for now....


2011-09-17, 08:32 PM
Jeff. He is our regular Sunday Cuban charter :cool: Did anything good come in today?

2011-09-17, 09:15 PM
Manny - ahh haa. Thanks for that! I did not see anything filed into JFK / HPN or SWF today of note......most will come in "invisible" to flight trackers though, so no telling what came in today, really!

Wishing I was out east!!!

2011-09-17, 09:22 PM
Jeff. He is our regular Sunday Cuban charter :cool: Did anything good come in today?

Democratic Republic of Congo 707. Oh sorry, typo....just Air Zimbabwe 763 and the Emirates special scheme A380.

2011-09-17, 11:16 PM
Jeff, come on and get here :-) I iwll be out all week!

Cary, thanks... I am so mad I could not get out today. See ya'll die-hards tomorrow bright and early! :cool:

2011-09-18, 07:23 AM
Democratic Republic of Congo 707. Oh sorry, typo....just Air Zimbabwe 763 and the Emirates special scheme A380.

Thanks Cary I had a tiny heart attack when I read 707:tongue:

2011-09-18, 10:10 AM
Nothing exciting at all showing on FlightExplorer or flightaware, but you know they are coming!!! About the only exciting movements I could find, were a couple of foreign reg'd bizjets (Falcon 7X & EMB-135 Legacy) due into White Plains after noon. Sorry I don't have more exotic movements to share boys & girls.

2011-09-18, 10:40 AM
Follow on to last post - 3 now, have suddenly appeared on FlightExplorer. 1.) For those that want to venture over to Newark.....just now up on FlightExplorer is ARAMCO B767-200, N767A is due into EWR at 1500ish. (I often don't trust ETAs on FlightExplorer when they are over the North Atlantic). N767A, for those that haven't seen it, is a nice color scheme with a blue tail and palm tree motif. Is this even, possibly UN related? Sorry - new to this "UN stuff" and also what you folk's see week in/week out! 2.) JAS066 is over North Atlantic - A Global Express due into SWF at 13:10 - not quite sure who exactly "JAS" is. and 3.) RJA500 from Shannon into JFK - due in at 12:10, an Airbus A318CJ.

2011-09-18, 01:08 PM
Jordanian should have been VQBDD. I also see 318CJ A6-AJC inbound. JAS is a bizjet callsign, nonmilitary.

2011-09-18, 04:55 PM
Glad I got 767A at JFK few years back when she did a pop in I think in Jan! That is a sexy 767.

2011-09-18, 05:23 PM
A few from today.

Brasil - Missed the arrival, only got the departure

South Africa - Only wish the sun was not hidden behind the clouds

POTUS Support C-17

Jordanian A318

2011-09-18, 05:36 PM
John - that SA reg must be a charter for another country - it's owned by a company called PL Logistics - it's a great catch - pity about the clouds!!

2011-09-18, 05:44 PM
John - that SA reg must be a charter for another country - it's owned by a company called PL Logistics - it's a great catch - pity about the clouds!!

Mark, the call sign was "South Africa 1"

2011-09-18, 08:26 PM
Really???...wow - then I guess ZS-RSA is out of action - the BBJ must be in for a check - that is typical of SA! *LOL* The President has to go overseas - and the Presidential BBJ is out of commission....just perfect....

2011-09-18, 09:13 PM
what a great day.

Day 1 for me....










2011-09-19, 03:40 AM
Really???...wow - then I guess ZS-RSA is out of action - the BBJ must be in for a check - that is typical of SA! *LOL* The President has to go overseas - and the Presidential BBJ is out of commission....just perfect....

yip the BBJ is in Basel for maintenance for a few months so quite a few charters happening to cater for the Pres.

2011-09-19, 09:51 AM
Any ETA on The President on Monday? I saw on CNN that he has a 10:30AM news conference in the White House Rose Garden.

Reading it will be his usual 5PM or so arrival Monday then leaving sometime Wed.

2011-09-19, 10:42 AM
The Senegal A319CJ and Suriname 737-300 have repo'd into Stewart/Newburgh-SWF. They arrived yesterday evening from JFK.

I will not be coming out east now, as previously hoped, on TUES......other commitments have arisen on my days off. DOH!! Hope you all enjoy yourself spotting out there. I will continue to monitor movements and post as necessary.

2011-09-19, 11:28 AM
MAF01 - Mexican Air Force B757 due into Newark at about 2PM

MEA001 - Middle East Airlines A330-200 - due into JFK at 430PM

SLM3004 - the Suriname has left SWF for MIA.

2011-09-19, 11:46 AM
As I was leaving kids day Sat. there were "people" in black suits with ear pieces, looked like they were waiting for a flight

2011-09-19, 02:07 PM
5:15 p.m. Obama and the First Lady arrive New York City, N.Y. - I guess I'm heading to 31L viewing? This is best for Bayswater, right?

2011-09-19, 03:57 PM
Here he comes again, any idea where he'll be landing with M1 ? JRB or JRA will just about be leaving my office can get down there to get few pix.

2011-09-19, 05:07 PM
Here he comes again, any idea where he'll be landing with M1 ? JRB or JRA will just about be leaving my office can get down there to get few pix.

Always Wall Street!!

hiss srq
2011-09-19, 05:11 PM
Air Force 1 passed over my house for 31L 1 min 35 seconds ago.

2011-09-19, 05:12 PM
French Air Force Falcon F-RAFP landed at FRG this afternoon. Went to Sheltair.
The Main Terminal at FRG had a number of Homeland Security officers, blue shirted TSA and a SCPD ESU and K-9 unit there.

2011-09-19, 05:17 PM
Always Wall Street!!


2011-09-19, 06:04 PM
Always Wall Street!!
Indeed. Wall Street is the only one big enough to handle all of the helicopters, plus the Secret Service has the whole JFK/Wall Street* arrival procedure down pat, so why mess with what they know.

Incidentally, anyone know why there's a TFR for Morristown at the same time as the general NYC TFR?

*JFK has to be the most frequent destination for AF1 outside of ADW, right? It makes sense.

2011-09-19, 06:34 PM

Got lucky and got this one....

2011-09-19, 06:37 PM
Incidentally, anyone know why there's a TFR for Morristown at the same time as the general NYC TFR?

Not sure about the TFR but must have something to do with UN Week. What I (think I)do know is that Morristown, Westchester and Republic Airports are being used a "gateway" airports
for any helicopters coming into Manhattan. They have to be checked by TSA before going into Manhattan.
Feel free to correct or edit this info. :smile::tongue:

2011-09-19, 07:42 PM
Well LGA got in on the UN action this evening when an all white 767-200 departed. Could not make out the call sine, something 001 Heavy, could not make out the complete reg but def started in ZS (South Africa) so I believe this is the aircraft pictured below.


If anyone wants to play detect listen to liveatc.net around 1835L this evening departed right after AA 2611, was blocked on flightaware & Passur.

Iberia A340-600
2011-09-19, 07:53 PM
Well LGA got in on the UN action this evening when an all white 767-200 departed. Could not make out the call sine, something 001 Heavy, could not make out the complete reg but def started in ZS (South Africa) so I believe this is the aircraft pictured below.


If anyone wants to play detect listen to liveatc.net around 1835L this evening departed right after AA 2611, was blocked on flightaware & Passur.

Should be ZS-DJI of the Djibouti Government:


2011-09-19, 08:16 PM
Just returned home here to South Jersey. We sat first in that park in Inwood to watch the 4 arrivals, then had lunch at the Sherwood, then sat by one of the cargo areas for 13L arrivals from about 2-3:45 then sped over to the mounds for a few minutes, but got nothing special. Totally opposite of last year's experience, very frustrating. At least I managed to catch the 11am Sun Country flight back to MSP that my brother and niece were on, and a Transaero which I've not photographed before.

Guess I'll have to wait another year before the next chance of catching an Il-62M

Enjoy the rest of the week guys

2011-09-19, 08:26 PM
Should be ZS-DJI of the Djibouti Government:


Maybe no titles on the right side as that's all I saw but that's make sense as the Djibouti Gov 727-100 used LGA either last year or year before so maybe they like it here. Thanks !

2011-09-19, 09:05 PM
Maybe no titles on the right side as that's all I saw but that's make sense as the Djibouti Gov 727-100 used LGA either last year or year before so maybe they like it here. Thanks !

Quicker travel time into Manhattan. That ride on the Van Wyck is a killer, PD escort or not.

2011-09-19, 11:43 PM
Not sure about the TFR but must have something to do with UN Week. What I (think I)do know is that Morristown, Westchester and Republic Airports are being used a "gateway" airports
for any helicopters coming into Manhattan. They have to be checked by TSA before going into Manhattan.
Feel free to correct or edit this info. :smile::tongue:

Only gateways are Farmingdale, NY, and Linden, NJ. Morristown and Westchester are NOT gateways and would have to fly to FRG or LDJ to be screened first. Incidentally, all flights to the city are off if weather goes below VFR. Could be interesting with rain forecasted Tuesday and Wednesday.

2011-09-20, 12:53 AM
Only gateways are Farmingdale, NY, and Linden, NJ. Morristown and Westchester are NOT gateways and would have to fly to FRG or LDJ to be screened first. Incidentally, all flights to the city are off if weather goes below VFR. Could be interesting with rain forecasted Tuesday and Wednesday.HPN is a gateway airport for DCA - how is it not for New York?

2011-09-20, 01:08 AM
Better weather today, and another good group of spotters out again. They were using 4L/R all morning, but nothing UN related really came in. Eventually they switched to the 13/22 split, and we started to see some action.

Russian IL-96, first good shots I've gotten of one - a year or two ago, we were over at Bayswater when he went off on 31L, and I got a distant, heat-hazed shot...today was much better.


Qatar Amiri Flight A345 (they also had an A330 arrive this afternoon)

An MEA A330 came in as well - I had just left The Mounds to catch Air Force 1 at Bayswater, and I saw it fly over my head as I was turning onto Brookville Blvd. I'm sure the guys still at The Mounds caught it.

Air Force 1 arriving.


After a short stay, they departed (for SWF, I believe) Without POTUS on board, they didn't take a priority departure, instead joining the line to go off 22R (and back-lit shots from Bayswater. :frown:)


While waiting for the VC-25 to depart, we had this German Air Force A340 arrive.

2011-09-20, 06:22 AM
HPN is a gateway airport for DCA - how is it not for New York?

They can only spread the TSA so thin? Not sure why it is, but that was the official word from the TSA.

2011-09-20, 07:17 AM
Great stuff Moose! I "just" finished downloading my cards :-( no hope of posting for at least a week :cool:

2011-09-20, 07:54 AM
Definitely jealous Moose! Those are some terrific shots! Would have loved to have been there!

2011-09-20, 09:50 AM
It was great weekend to spend spotting and share stories. I'll post a quick one before heading to work.

First time for "spotting" AF1 :smile:



2011-09-20, 11:24 AM
So where did VC-25 go after JFK? It seems she is at Westover AFB :-)


2011-09-20, 12:17 PM
Great......no, awesome shots to all. Wishing, again, that I was out east this week. Ahhh well, maybe later this year.
Air Force 1 comes to Chicago later this week. There has been a C-17 adjacent to our hangar for 2 days now. Keep the nice pictures flowing.

2011-09-20, 02:27 PM
My first Il-96... WOW!


2011-09-20, 02:34 PM
That German A340 Moose. Was that around 3-4 PM yesterday? We were doing some lawn spotting ;)

2011-09-20, 02:39 PM
That German A340 Moose. Was that around 3-4 PM yesterday? We were doing some lawn spotting ;)

15:58:40 :cool:

2011-09-20, 02:40 PM
He landed right around 6pm yesterday, Mario.

15:58:40 :cool:
Is that Manny Time? :tongue:

2011-09-20, 02:46 PM
He landed right around 6pm yesterday, Mario.

Is that Manny Time? :tongue:

No Moose, it is your time LOL.. Stole the data from your EXIF :tongue: so your camera's date is suspect!

BTW, mine shows 3:58PM

2011-09-20, 03:15 PM
I think we saw it. Saw the plane right overhead but markings were tough to catch.

2011-09-20, 04:01 PM
No Moose, it is your time LOL.. Stole the data from your EXIF :tongue: so your camera's date is suspect!

BTW, mine shows 3:58PM
The Qatar A340 arrived at 3:58PM...

That German A340 Moose. Was that around 3-4 PM yesterday? We were doing some lawn spotting ;)
Your camera data appears to be fine as well. Mario is an Optometrist...maybe you should call him for an appointment. :wink:

Matt Molnar
2011-09-20, 04:30 PM
I believe the German A340 is a new visitor that wasn't finished in time for UNGA 2010. One of two A340-300s the Luftwaffe purchased from Lufthansa, reconfigured for VIP transport and delivered sometime last year.

2011-09-20, 04:31 PM
I don't remember seeing it before, Matt. Last year, they brought an A310.

2011-09-20, 04:58 PM
I suggested an eye exam for the officer who pulled me over today.

(and why not? After all, we are all about public safety.)

2011-09-20, 06:18 PM
Had a problem with the PC so I'm sorry for the late posting. It was great to meet Manny, Mark, Tom, and Eric and see Cary, Moose, and Jacob. An exciting day for sure.


My first Ilyushin!



I approve the new colors



2011-09-20, 06:21 PM
Thanks for going out and getting these guys!

I love this thread every year!

That Luftwaffe A340 looks amazing! We had the A310 here in Ottawa last time Merkel came in, I'd trade my right nut for the 340!

2011-09-20, 06:33 PM
Bahrain (747-4 I am guessing)
Peru 737 (different colors than previous years)
South Korea 747-4 (new)
Argentina 757
Kazakstan (sp?) A330 (1st year here I believe)
France A330 (new)

2011-09-20, 06:42 PM

Not to mention overcast and rain...:frown:

2011-09-20, 07:01 PM
They can only spread the TSA so thin? Not sure why it is, but that was the official word from the TSA.

THey are busy in the subway. 3 on duty with PD 34st/6 Ave this AM checking bags.

2011-09-20, 07:04 PM
I think we saw it. Saw the plane right overhead but markings were tough to catch.

Binocs my good man. :smile: If I'm hanging in my backyard and the 22s are coming over I got them working. Just hoping my neighbors dont think I'm peeping on them. :eek::eek:

2011-09-20, 07:27 PM
Not to mention overcast and rain...:frown:

This is UN week. overcast and rain does not stop us from going out. I shot the Bahrain and czech air force. will post later.

2011-09-20, 09:44 PM

2011-09-20, 10:23 PM
Here are just a few (sorry about the heat haze......couldn't do much about it, more to follow.






2011-09-21, 12:11 AM
Has anyone made it out to see what's parked at SWF? Flightaware lists a few:

both the Kuwaiti A310 & A319
France GLEX
the MEA A330
two VIP A319's
misc G4's/G5's
helicopter movement from 30th Street

Will be stopping by later Wednesday afternoon to check and see what birds are posted up in the 'Burgh B-)

2011-09-21, 06:16 AM
Not yet... planned on doing it yesterday but with the clouds, I said bah... maybe a long shot for today... otherwise, it will have to wait until next year.

2011-09-21, 07:07 AM
Guys, What a bunch of killer shots.... You all did a great job lensing all the UN metal....

Rich B

2011-09-21, 10:22 AM
Not 100% positive, but I believe I saw that AJA Airbus ACJ at White Plains yesterday. Seems like HPN had about 3 or 4 Airbus ACJ's parked around the field, but with the rain, and my vantage point, I could not see registrations.

Iberia A340-600
2011-09-21, 11:47 AM
I just landed at JFK and noted the new Brazilian E-190 heading to 4L for departure. The Qatar-Amiri fleet is also parked around the cargo area and an El Al 762 at the T4 hardstands.

2011-09-21, 07:05 PM
didnt do any intended spotting, other than from my parents front yard on Monday.

This evening, Air Force One provided a nice deep bank over my house, headed to JFK about an hour ago.

Nothing feels better than flipping some steaks and chicken on the grill, sipping a bottle of suds and seeing her swoop over yer house ;)

2011-09-21, 09:33 PM
didnt do any intended spotting, other than from my parents front yard on Monday.
This evening, Air Force One provided a nice deep bank over my house, headed to JFK about an hour ago.
Nothing feels better than flipping some steaks and chicken on the grill, sipping a bottle of suds and seeing her swoop over yer house ;)

Thats right its Wed already :confused::smile: He was set to leave between 8 and 9.
I was walking around today at lunch and saw two PD copters, one of the Agustas and the Command & Control Bell 412, working around just south of me around the Upper 40s.
Pres must have been on the move as they made their way slowly uptown. Took a walk over to the Regency Hotel Park/61st to check out all the security. East 61st closed to vehicles and you can walk on the south side of the street and check out all the security as they use it as a staging point for Secret Service/NYPD/Homeland security you name it. I love checking all these guys out. :cool:

Matt Molnar
2011-09-21, 09:46 PM
Sounds like Marine One is grounded due to WX. POTUS moving to JFK via the Belt Pkwy!

2011-09-21, 10:00 PM
He better be prepared for a horrible trip then... Traffic on that is murder :tongue:

2011-09-21, 10:02 PM
He better be prepared for a horrible trip then... Traffic on that is murder :tongue:
Not for a Presidential motorcade...

2011-09-21, 10:06 PM
Sounds like Marine One is grounded due to WX. POTUS moving to JFK via the Belt Pkwy!

what? they don't have synthetic (IR) vision on that thing?

2011-09-21, 10:35 PM
Sounds like Marine One is grounded due to WX. POTUS moving to JFK via the Belt Pkwy!

Must be the fog. No heavy weather around. Wonder how long the SS gave the PD a heads up to set up the route? And not sure but would Triboro/GCP/VW be faster?

2011-09-22, 05:46 AM
Not for a Presidential motorcade...

...that's why I put in the tongue icon :cool:

Iberia A340-600
2011-09-22, 10:16 AM
Quite a few VIP movements this morning at JFK. The Kazakhstan 330 and Czech 319 just departed while the South Korean 747 and French 330 are parked at the triple hangars. There's an additional Qatar 330, A7-HJJ, as well.

2011-09-22, 10:21 AM
The Czech 319. Possibly the most beautiful livery out there.

Iberia A340-600
2011-09-22, 12:11 PM
And an update from IAD:

2 Japenese Air Force 747-400
Kuwait 747-400
Luftwaffe 310 (unrelated perhaps)
Miscellaneous 319s and BBJs

Also what was parked at SWF last night:

Air Zimbabwe 767-200
Djbouti 767-200
Chile 767-300
Brunei 767-200
Kuwait 319
Turkish 319
2 Royal Jet BBJs
Lineage E-190
Bahrain 747-400
MEA 330
Saudi 737 HZ-101

2011-09-22, 07:27 PM
OK so what did Achmadinajad come in on...he gave his expected rant about zionism at the UN today but where is his ride???

2011-09-22, 07:33 PM
OK so what did Achmadinajad come in on...he gave his expected rant about zionism at the UN today but where is his ride???

His ride is a 747SP

2011-09-22, 07:33 PM
Colombian Air Force 767 Tanker dropped into LGA to pick up their delegation and head home. First time I've seen a 767 tanker - a sign of things to come for the USAF. This aircraft is a 767-200, formerly flown by Air China, and modified to the tanker configuration by Israeli Aerospace Industries. It was delivered to Colombia last November, and is equipped with two Wing Air Refueling Pods, housing refueling drogues.





A huge THANK YOU to Ron for the heads up on this!

2011-09-22, 07:46 PM
OMG what a catch Moose... I am jealous...

2011-09-22, 07:50 PM
Mil 767's and those A330 MRTT's are so hawt. Great catch!

2011-09-22, 08:03 PM

it's the second time to LGA for that bird right there. she was here last year too. one thing's for sure, she'll look great in USAF grey!!!

2011-09-22, 08:39 PM
OMG....great catch Moose!

2011-09-22, 09:27 PM
Kuwaiti 747-400 took off 22R at Kennedy.

2011-09-22, 10:02 PM
Moose, nice job with the Colombian Air Force 762 shots, as I type this 2200L Chile Air Force 763 just taxied by my office, went to the head of the line of about 15 aircraft in line and departed 31, pretty interesting day for LGA indeed.


With an estimated 6000 foot take off roll I presume nonstop to SCL, did I just witness LGA's longest (mileage wise) wide body departure? Cheers LGA777

2011-09-23, 12:09 AM
His ride is a 747SP

I know that part, I'm still sore about missing it by 5 mins last year...my question is where is it- I'm surprised no one caught it unless it arrived in darkness

2011-09-23, 11:28 AM
Royal Jordanian A318 just flew ISP-JKF as Jordanian 500,

2011-09-23, 11:51 AM
I know that part, I'm still sore about missing it by 5 mins last year...my question is where is it- I'm surprised no one caught it unless it arrived in darkness

It landed Monday in darkness at JFK. Not sure what is has done after that.

Iberia A340-600
2011-09-23, 03:23 PM
Here's the Kazakh and Czech departing JFK yesterday:



2011-09-23, 06:08 PM
it's the second time to LGA for that bird right there. she was here last year too. one thing's for sure, she'll look great in USAF grey!!!

Wait they use a tanker for VIP movements?

2011-09-23, 06:19 PM
Tankers can be re-fitted to just be cargo aircraft. And like most cargo aircraft, they have a bed of rails that allow cargo pallets and containers to be placed inside. With that, there are pallets that just have a bunch of seats attached to them....making it a passenger aircraft.

Here's a visual, Rumsfeld on a C-17.


2011-09-23, 06:20 PM
Gerard, like the KC-135, the 767 tanker carries all its fuel in the wings and below the main deck, leaving the main compartment open. It can be configured for passengers or cargo, and is used in a VIP configuration.

2011-09-23, 11:08 PM
?any info on the 319 from Kuwait airways at SWF? on flightaware it was Kuwait 9 so definitely UN related.

any info most welcome.

2011-09-24, 01:51 AM
Heard AMIRI 1 departing JFK this afternoon, so scratch A7-HHH off the potentials list. The Iran SP and a Rossiya IL-96 went to ADW, as usual.

2011-09-24, 09:38 AM
Gerard, like the KC-135, the 767 tanker carries all its fuel in the wings and below the main deck, leaving the main compartment open. It can be configured for passengers or cargo, and is used in a VIP configuration.

THanks guys. Not sure how comfortable though. :tongue::smile:

2011-09-24, 11:59 AM
It's as comfortable as the seats that put on the pallet. Technically, they could make it first class seats if they want.

2011-09-24, 10:03 PM
Iran 747SP EP-IAC arrived 22L around 1845ish; went to the triple hangars. Had Turkey, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Turkmenistan, and Peru also at JFK this afternoon. Callsign was IRA100.

Actually, I take back the Djibouti thing. I saw it at SWF, then noticed it on a tracking app, and assumed it was inbound JFK. I didn't see it at JFK, but thought it slipped in 22L or something while I was at Panera, and didn't bother to look for it since I'd already seen it.

2011-09-24, 10:34 PM
Djibouti arrived inbound at LGA I think it was Sunday guess they went out via JFK due to the much longer runway, not a very imagitive scheme anyway (all white 762).

Iberia A340-600
2011-09-25, 03:38 AM
Flightaware shows the Djibouti returned to LGA today from SWF.


2011-09-25, 11:10 PM
Djibouti arrived inbound at LGA I think it was Sunday guess they went out via JFK due to the much longer runway, not a very imagitive scheme anyway (all white 762).

ah, That was the all white 762 I saw yesterday afternoon on final for 22

2011-09-26, 05:04 PM
Forgot to post this from Saturday. Whoops!
TEB: Nothing UN-related
EWR: HZ-101/BBJ, HZ-102/BBJ, SX-RFA/752.
SWF: Brunei V8-MHB/B762, ZS-DJI(bouti)/B762, TC-ANA/319, TC-???/G550, 9K-AKD/A320, 9K-GEA/A319, 9K-???/GLF5 (ACARS as -AJE), Turkmenistan EZ-A700/B763. Presume the G550 was TC-DAP, which I saw with TC-ANA later on at JFK, but it's theoretically possible they brought 2 over.
HPN: Italy MM62174/A319, Morocco CN-AMS/G550, VP-BVA/319, A6-AJC/319
LGA: Nothing
JFK: QR A7-HJJ/A332, Zimbabwe Z-WPE/B762, Peru FAP 356/B735, and EP-IAC. The Turks and Turkmens were also at JFK by the time I got there.

2011-10-03, 11:14 PM
Got around to some more images from UN week (still have some more to go through).

Raj.....I think you like these:










2011-10-04, 11:22 PM
Mark the AI liftoff..... just fantastic action shot. Love the set.

2011-10-07, 09:07 AM
Looking through my phone pics, I missed these two I had taken during the week :biggrin: My new iPhone 4S should take MUCH better pictures than the crapolis 3Gs :tongue: Click for full size... straight from the phone, no edits

http://pictures.mannyphoto.com/photos/i-BtVxLTd/0/O/i-BtVxLTd.jpg (http://pictures.mannyphoto.com/photos/i-BtVxLTd/0/O/i-BtVxLTd.jpg)

http://pictures.mannyphoto.com/photos/i-4R7PmMc/0/O/i-4R7PmMc.jpg (http://pictures.mannyphoto.com/photos/i-4R7PmMc/0/O/i-4R7PmMc.jpg)

2011-10-19, 09:30 PM
Here's a couple more from UN week.

