View Full Version : Japanese Major Photo Companies Updated Reports

2011-03-15, 09:37 PM
Given that our hobby has a large component part rooted in photography, I felt it would be appropriate to post the latest reports from Nikon, Canon and Sony as they are the major manufacturers of Digital Cameras and Lenses based in Japan.

Nikon (http://www.nikon.com/about/news/2011/0314_01.htm)

Canon (http://www.canon.com/news/2011/mar13e.html)

Sony (http://www.sony.com/SCA/press/110314.shtml)

2011-03-15, 10:01 PM
If there's something anyone here was waiting for a better price on, BUY NOW! Prices will only continue to rise!!!


2011-03-16, 10:41 PM
I am not sure if the industry will be even close to similar a year from now given what's going on with that Power Plant. Imagine a 50 or 100 mile wasteland... Also the Sendai area is a major manufacturing area for Nikon... not sure how they will recover. This is all HORRIBLE news in every way.

Our way of life is changing before our very eyes. NOTHING will be done the same way from now on. Power is suddenly looking like it will be a very expensive resource, more so than now. Solar and Wind and Hydro suddenly look like doable (if more expensive) solutions.

WOW is all I can say.