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2011-02-22, 12:03 PM
Brief encounter 5 mins ago with two NYPD officers at the Mounds (where I'm writing from actually).

Been there for an hour in the car taking some shots through the window (way too cold to get out!). A police car eventually turned in, asked me what I was doing, I showed them the camera and told them I was here for the planes.

They checked my ID and said "we usually see more of you guys over the summer". They apologized for bothering me actually! Of course, I said that I understood and one of them said that they're checking my ID so they don't bother me again in the future LOL.

All in all, a brief and courteous encounter. Always bring your ID folks, and be pleasant and cooperative!

2011-02-22, 12:05 PM
Nice!! Just like it should always go down :-) Happy spotting, GORGEOUS DAY today .. .too bad I am stuck here at work :frown::mad:

2011-02-22, 12:15 PM
Excellent! Glad to hear your encounter was a pleasant one.

The day I was down there I was expecting to at least get approached as it appeared that the fire department was either running a training exercise at the school or responding to a fire alarm. They had about 5 trucks and the street was blocked off while I was there. A few of the firemen were pointing at me, but no one ever asked any questions, not even the police officer that was there with the firemen.

2011-02-22, 12:28 PM

Lesson learned.......always carry ID, and always be friendly. In addition, I carry in my car, some samples of my photo's (a portfolio of a sort) to show just in case. Glad to hear things turned out positive. Looks like a beautiful day with good light! Enjoy. Unfortunately, I'm stuck at work as well, but the days are getting longer.......18 days left till DST (March 13th) kicks in..........Starcraft, here I come!!!

2011-02-22, 12:31 PM
Good story sand good handling of the situation, Rom. We don't get cops to the mounds too often, but I'm glad to see that the police in that area are well-aware.

2011-02-22, 12:48 PM

In addition, I carry in my car, some samples of my photo's (a portfolio of a sort) to show just in case.

I never even thought of that Mark. THanks for the idea, I will have to remember that next time I head out to JFK or BOS. Just out of curiosity, how many samples do you consider "some"? Just a few of your best captures?

2011-02-22, 12:52 PM
I carry some enlargements of my more dramatic shots, and when I give the cop my license right behind it is my business card. This way they can check out my site from their RMP since the laptops have internet access

2011-02-22, 12:55 PM
That is good to know that they are aware of spotters. Great day to be out Rom, enjoy it !

I saw something very interesting while I did the few hours of spotting in Toronto last Friday, I ran into a local spotter and of course we started chatting away and I asked about this topic over there and how its dealt with law enforcement, he pulled out an ID card with his photo and name, almost like a drivers license and on top it said "Airport security watch" .. As he explained to me, all spotters there get a full back round check and once clear they get the ID card to carry around and a car window badge as well, the airport does this for more security watch, kind of like if you see something say something and both sides win ! Thought it was a very neat idea

2011-02-22, 03:29 PM
Good to hear. Wondered if they went around a school checking things out. I have my ID at all times. Good habbit to get into.

2011-02-22, 04:04 PM

Lesson learned.......always carry ID, and always be friendly. In addition, I carry in my car, some samples of my photo's (a portfolio of a sort) to show just in case. Glad to hear things turned out positive. Looks like a beautiful day with good light! Enjoy. Unfortunately, I'm stuck at work as well, but the days are getting longer.......18 days left till DST (March 13th) kicks in..........Starcraft, here I come!!!

When ever I got planespotting, very often I carry 2 of my mini photo album of my shots.. When times i was encountered, I show some pictures to the cops. And yes for the fact, some officers are pretty much aware of us, espeacialy at the same locations like the mounds, Firestone, or even Bayswater, since most times very often, we sometimes get encountered by those locations, but my favorate part of it is when a police officer would say "Enjoy your day and get some nice shots"..

2011-02-22, 04:44 PM
... In addition, I carry in my car, some samples of my photo's (a portfolio of a sort) to show just in case...

I always have my iPad with me for both pictures and Internet access to the live site just in case :cool:

As for cops at The Mounds, of the times I have been there, at least 1/4 of the time I have seen cops approach us or give us a look. I have never been asked or stopped there. Never at Bayswater, never at Innwood.. only HoBe and Panera, and all times, very very friendly and polite respectful encounters!