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View Full Version : Arnie and Paterson should have a beer together.

2011-01-03, 01:53 AM
Bad enough the governator has ruined CA and basically has reduced them to a nanny state with no hope of recovering he took a page out of Paterson's book and did something out of favortism. Way to go Arnie. I would say you are a bigger disgrace than Paterson but I am not sure that is possible.


2011-01-03, 11:36 AM
Nah Paterson takes that award... They named a school after Paterson in I believe in West Hempstead, which is perfect...failed school district and a failed Gov.

2011-01-03, 02:12 PM
Another one of these things??? Is there no shame anymore? God I hate politics so much.

Still not throwing out my Terminator Trilogy set though

2011-01-04, 10:52 AM
Nah Paterson takes that award... They named a school after Paterson in I believe in West Hempstead, which is perfect...failed school district and a failed Gov.

Actually the school is in Hempstead, not West Hempstead

Matt Molnar
2011-01-05, 05:05 PM
The state was a $h!tshow before Paterson was forced into office...I wouldn't say he made it any better or worse...he didn't really try to do anything other than keep the ship afloat. Ultimately he didn't want nor was he qualified for the job in the first place, but those are the cards we were dealt. Arnie is a completely different story...he was actually elected, and he actually tried to fix stuff.

2011-01-05, 06:17 PM
he was actually elected, and he actually tried to fix stuff.

He didn't try very hard. He caved in to the unions and his wife and became a Dem. Refused to take on LA and SF on their sanctuary policy and just bankrupted the whole state. That state refuses to do the right and it's a shame but they are toast and I don't see them recovering. Businesses and residents are fleeing it and the current Senators, Gov and AG will just continue the far left nanny state Agenda that it can't sustain.

2011-01-05, 09:08 PM
Is everyone fleeing CA? Seriously?

I mean, I havent been looking but if thats the care, maybe I'll buy up some properties there at a discount and sit on them a while.

2011-01-05, 09:18 PM
Businesses and residents are fleeing it...
I know this is "suspect" data :rolleyes: but according to the 2010 Census data released two weeks ago, California has 37,253,000 residents, making it the most populous state, and is up 10% over 2000.

2011-01-07, 02:13 AM
maybe I'll buy up some properties there at a discount and sit on them a while.

Mario you would probably be better served doing that in AZ or NV. CA is not coming back anytime soon.

I know this is "suspect" data http://nycaviation.com/forum/threads/images/smilies/rolleyes.png but according to the 2010 Census data released two weeks ago, California has 37,253,000 residents, making it the most populous state, and is up 10% over 2000.

CA's population will always grow simply due to the size of the state, births from existing residents and being the immigrant capital of the country. You forgot to include that beginning in 08' the number of people leaving outnumbered the people moving to CA. Also Forbes did a study on where people are moving to and from. Very enlighting.
