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View Full Version : PhotoPlus Expo in October

2010-08-26, 10:49 PM
Anyone going to this? My friend Tony and I are going to be paying a visit on Saturday the 30th of October (and probably spend the 31st at JFK/LGA). If anyone else is going, maybe we could plan a meetup after checking out all the gear.

2010-08-26, 10:54 PM
I've already registered, Dan. After several attempts, I finally attended last year. Would be great to get together when you are in town.

2010-08-27, 06:43 PM
I'm hoping to make it this year. Based on the dates I should be free that weekend, if so, I'm in. Will check this thread again as we get closer.

2010-08-28, 02:04 PM
Thanks for the info...........I'm registered and good to go. I'll be attending the Canon Expo as well in early September at Jacob Javits Center.

2010-09-05, 09:25 PM
I've already registered, Dan. After several attempts, I finally attended last year. Would be great to get together when you are in town.

Hey moose,

would be really nice to meet you and anyone else from the gang. I'm not in Manhattan often so I like to make a party of it. Plus maybe I can finally nag some of those Sony reps at the show. A man can hope. :)

2010-10-24, 08:46 AM
Well, the expo is this week. I've got my badge from the mail and I'm ready to go. Hopefully the weather this weekend will cooperate for photography!

2010-10-24, 12:02 PM
I always go :-) so how would we spotters "run into" each other?

2010-10-27, 01:41 PM
I am confirmed for a day off tomorrow from work and will attend PhotoPlus Expo first thing in the morning until mid-day at which time I plan to head out to JFK for some much desired spotting :-) If anyone wishes to join me and needs a ride to JFK, let me know. You're welcome to tag along with me if desired. PM me if you want to arrange for meet-up or post here if you'd like to have an impromptu spotters meet-up at Jacob Javits


2010-10-27, 04:31 PM
i went last year but am gonna pass this time. upgraded my gear recently and plan on attending nikon school in either december or march instead.

2010-10-27, 05:27 PM
Well, I'll be there on Saturday only. We're planning on going to Les Halles afterwards for dinner.

2010-10-27, 06:25 PM
I should be there tomorrow as well

2010-10-27, 08:12 PM
cell 646-996-1466 here... feel free to SMS or call ;-) Will do Saturday as well..

2010-10-27, 08:18 PM
... Les Halles afterwards for dinner.

Les Halles == GREAT FOOD! ;-) been there a few times. Saturday I will only go if I somehow miss anything Thursday and Friday or if there is a critical mass of spotters for a get together. 33rd St West Side Heliport is just a few blocks away! ;-)

@cancidas. You should alsways consider visiting, even if just for the free presentations/demos by top photographers etc. Usually Adobe has TERRIFIC speakers who will talk candidly about their workflows using PSCS or Lightroom etc. And some times Nikon/Canon also get top pros to give great presentations...

2010-10-27, 10:17 PM
@cancidas. You should alsways consider visiting, even if just for the free presentations/demos by top photographers etc. Usually Adobe has TERRIFIC speakers who will talk candidly about their workflows using PSCS or Lightroom etc. And some times Nikon/Canon also get top pros to give great presentations...
thought about that but i can't afford to take time away to go there. honestly i need to relearn everything about editing as well as invest in the software but i just don't shoot enough right now to justify that expense. i caught a few of the talks by photographers nikon had with them last year and learned a lot, but until i can spend the amount of time i need to behind a camera i can't afford to not be working.

2010-10-29, 10:28 AM
didn't get a chance to go yesterday, but I am on my way there now.

I know of two offers some of you might be interested. The MOO booth is giving away 50 free business cards to those that attend and Canvas On Demand(I think that's the company) they scan your badge and send you a coupon for a free 16x20 Canvas Print. I have two hanging on my wall from the past two years.

2010-10-29, 02:47 PM
LOVE MOO cards... the best... such nice people and products... highly recommended. I have used them since they started... if anyone is interested in what they look like, feel free to take one from me when spotting if we meet ;-)

2010-10-29, 06:15 PM
Another year, another misfire. Sorry guys cant make it.

2010-10-29, 06:27 PM
Got home a short time ago, ran into Eric, plus about a dozen folks from a couple of camera clubs I'm in (and even an old Newsday photo buddy...) It's always a bit of sensory overload at the show. Way too many neat things - most of which I can't afford :frown: I did sign up for the free print at Canvas on Demand, but I missed the Moo deal. I did pick up a small Trek-Tech T-pod (http://www.trek-tech.com/products/tripods.html), something I've been looking at for a while, since they had a show special...

And I got a couple of new SmugMug camera straps, and finally got to meet Andy Williams (http://www.moonriverphotography.com) at the SmugMug booth!

2010-10-29, 08:04 PM
I met Andy there last year and shook hands again yesterday. Superb folks and I used to be pretty active on their dgrin so felt like I knew everyone there LOL. The sensory overload is not the prob for me, but the ignoramuses at the booths who think they can monopolize the folks behind the counter with countless tales of ignorance and blah blah only to make the queue deeper than it should be. I mean, step up, ask for camera/lens/flash whatever, play wit hit, step off... what can be so hard? No, these folks must endure the types that wait ALL YEAR just to go to PPE and lay it on thick and heavy for the Nikon / Canon folks. This is NEVER the case at the Sony/Olympus booths, ever!!

Canon was een deeper into dSLR video this year than before. The new Nikon D7000 autoocus/video is not that great... it has terrific face recognition but is very very slow to lock on. I'll stick to my trusty old Sony camcorder for the kid videos thank you very much. The dSLR video I believe is still for pros with time and dedication to well though out production.