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View Full Version : Saudi Arabia Opens Airspace to Israel for Iran Bombing Runs

Matt Molnar
2010-06-12, 12:19 PM
Times UK:

Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article7148555.ece)
June 12, 2010
Hugh Tomlinson

Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.

In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran. [Full Article (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article7148555.ece)]

USAF Pilot 07
2010-06-12, 10:50 PM
Wow - this is big news... Pretty surprising given how religious Saudi appears to be.

2010-06-15, 10:56 AM
Wow - this is big news... Pretty surprising given how religious Saudi appears to be.

The Saudi's and most Arab nations are put off by Iran's geo-political fundamentalism. That and the whole Arab/Persian thing. If I'm correct, a lot of the Arab nations, especially Saudi Arabia, supported Iraq during the Eight Year War with tons of arms and cash. Even the Taliban were preparing to go to war with them before 9/11. They wouldn't give the weapons we supplied them during the Soviet Occupation, back, for exactly that reason.

I guess in short: Why not let the Zionists be the bad guys? They'll do our dirty work and we'll feign outrage at the UN when we condemn them.

2010-06-15, 10:51 PM
I think the Mid-East sees that Iran will just bring more trouble to an already trouble-saturated region. They just want to pump their oil and practice their religion and be left alone.

It does say a lot to me when a country like Saudi Arabia allows Israel through for attacks on a fellow Arab nation. Wow.

2010-06-16, 12:11 AM
I think the Mid-East sees that Iran will just bring more trouble to an already trouble-saturated region. They just want to pump their oil and practice their religion and be left alone.

It does say a lot to me when a country like Saudi Arabia allows Israel through for attacks on a fellow Arab nation. Wow.

Iran isn't Arab. It's Persian. Arabs and Persians have had mistrust since before Muhammad. The Iran/Iraq war was the epitome of Arab and Persian culture clash. They have Islam in common, but even that isn't enough to quell the mistrust. I remember when Saudi troops killed a bunch of Iranian pilgrims during a Haaj some years back.