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View Full Version : Small plane has crashed into a building in Austin, Texas

2010-02-18, 12:46 PM
A small plane has crashed into a building in Austin, Texas, the FAA says


2010-02-18, 12:55 PM
does not look small to me.

2010-02-18, 01:08 PM





2010-02-18, 01:35 PM
Pilot set his home ablaze before intentionally crashing plane- federal offical says :shock:

2010-02-18, 01:49 PM
Pilot set his home ablaze before intentionally crashing plane- federal offical says :shock:
Based on that, one begs to ask..."Did he work in the building he crashed into?"

2010-02-18, 02:22 PM
IRS Building

2010-02-18, 02:38 PM
A pilot doing that, it's very sad !


Matt Molnar
2010-02-18, 03:57 PM
He had a dispute with the IRS. Seems like a very large fire considering the size of the plane.

He posted a suicide note on his website at http://embeddedart.com but it seems to have been removed now, but you can read it here: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/ye ... tack1.html (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2010/0218102stack1.html)

2010-02-18, 03:58 PM
1. He was a former employee and wasn't happy.

2. He owed back taxes, the IRS was going to take his home so he destroyed his home and then sought revenge on the IRS.

I can't imagine what kind of mindset one has to be in to drive themselves to such an act.

2010-02-18, 04:10 PM
It was a small plane folks. Tommy has it right. Guy was losing his house and figured he was going down the crapper so may as well go out with a bang. In bad times people just don't jump out of buildings anymore. They fly into them.

2010-02-18, 04:14 PM
Based on Matt's link it looks like I was right and it was number 2. The IRS was going after him for unpaid taxes on unreported income. I'd love to see how much he really owes them.

2010-02-18, 05:27 PM
Based on Matt's link it looks like I was right and it was number 2. The IRS was going after him for unpaid taxes on unreported income. I'd love to see how much he really owes them.

MSNBC has been showing parts of his suicide note. Another rambling rant about hating the rich and how the government favors them. I guess it was all the rich people that had him evade his taxes too.

Matt Molnar
2010-02-18, 06:04 PM
Based on Matt's link it looks like I was right and it was number 2. The IRS was going after him for unpaid taxes on unreported income. I'd love to see how much he really owes them.

MSNBC has been showing parts of his suicide note. Another rambling rant about hating the rich and how the government favors them. I guess it was all the rich people that had him evade his taxes too.
You can read the whole thing at the link I posted above. :)

2010-02-18, 08:32 PM
You can read the whole thing at the link I posted above

http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/3098e0ad97.jpg (http://www.freeimagehosting.net/)

2010-02-18, 08:58 PM
Well the gov strikes again. Sadly this wont end untill somebody fixes this stuff. There are alot of mentally unstable people out there and as long as this stuff isnt fixed we will see more events like this.

2010-02-18, 09:05 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if there was more than just himself in that plane...

2010-02-18, 09:35 PM
Doubt it. If there was they would have said something already.

Matt Molnar
2010-02-18, 11:04 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if there was more than just himself in that plane...
Seemed like a lot of damage for such a little plane, but I wouldn't be surprised if that could just be chalked up to lax building codes in Texas.

hiss srq
2010-02-18, 11:08 PM
Initially when I saw the first pictures I couldnt beleive an airplane of that size had done what it did. The fire just looked too intense to be an AvGas fueled fire to me. When they said single engine I than started thinking maybe a PC12 or a Piper "jetprop" or somthing along those line.

2010-02-19, 01:05 AM
Another piece of crap loser blaming everyone else for their problems. Thankfully his plans went south and only he died in the crash. Good riddance.

Matt Molnar
2010-02-19, 01:32 AM
Another piece of crap loser blaming everyone else for their problems. Thankfully his plans went south and only he died in the crash. Good riddance.
They found two bodies, one of them being the pilot, the other probably an employee in the building. Some others were badly hurt.

2010-02-19, 01:44 AM
This could have been advoided in many ways. But the IRS can definitly go about this in better ways.

USAF Pilot 07
2010-02-19, 01:57 AM
So....... Does this still mean I'll get my refund on-time?? :wink:

2010-02-19, 02:17 AM
So....... Does this still mean I'll get my refund on-time?? :wink:
LOL. There prob going to say no refunds at all now

2010-02-19, 09:06 AM
This could have been advoided in many ways. But the IRS can definitly go about this in better ways.
How could the IRS have handled this better? If you cater to an emotionally disturbed person, you will only encourage more irrational behavior. The guy was clearly EDP and it was only a matter of time before he took his aggression out on someone. The only way to have avoided this was to find him and collar him up, but IMO, it would have only delayed an inevitableaction. It's a shame that an innocent person died and others were hurt, but in the EDP's case, it's addition by subtraction.

2010-02-19, 12:09 PM
They can go about collecting their money in a better way then harassing you constantly.

2010-02-19, 01:51 PM
They don't harrass you. They'll either audit you or just throw your ass in lockup. The guy was pissed because he tried to cheat the system repeatedly and got caught repeatedly. Here's an easy tip to avoid legal trouble, be it with the IRS or in general, don't break the law. And especially don't be pissed that you got caught. He had nobody to blame but himself and in his delusion, refused to do so.

2010-02-19, 04:30 PM
They don't harrass you. They'll either audit you or just throw your ass in lockup. The guy was pissed because he tried to cheat the system repeatedly and got caught repeatedly. Here's an easy tip to avoid legal trouble, be it with the IRS or in general, don't break the law. And especially don't be pissed that you got caught. He had nobody to blame but himself and in his delusion, refused to do so.
couldn't agree with you more! the only tragedy here is that this moron used GA as his escape, not caring about the possible repurcussions it'll have on the remainder of the industry. too bad he died, i'd much rather see him have suffered for his actions and mistakes! :twisted:

hiss srq
2010-02-19, 04:36 PM
They don't harrass you. They'll either audit you or just throw your ass in lockup. The guy was pissed because he tried to cheat the system repeatedly and got caught repeatedly. Here's an easy tip to avoid legal trouble, be it with the IRS or in general, don't break the law. And especially don't be pissed that you got caught. He had nobody to blame but himself and in his delusion, refused to do so.
couldn't agree with you more! the only tragedy here is that this moron used GA as his escape, not caring about the possible repurcussions it'll have on the remainder of the industry. too bad he died, i'd much rather see him have suffered for his actions and mistakes! :twisted:
Getting cooked by an AvGas fire isnt exactly an enjoyable experince I would imagine if he made it through the initial impact. I however do agree with the concern you have over GA rammifications from here on in for the rest. I am suprised at AOPA's relative silence thus so far on this crash.

2010-02-19, 06:43 PM
They don't harrass you. They'll either audit you or just throw your ass in lockup. The guy was pissed because he tried to cheat the system repeatedly and got caught repeatedly. Here's an easy tip to avoid legal trouble, be it with the IRS or in general, don't break the law. And especially don't be pissed that you got caught. He had nobody to blame but himself and in his delusion, refused to do so.

THANK YOU!!!! :)

2010-02-19, 11:19 PM
They don't harrass you. They'll either audit you or just throw your ass in lockup. The guy was pissed because he tried to cheat the system repeatedly and got caught repeatedly. Here's an easy tip to avoid legal trouble, be it with the IRS or in general, don't break the law. And especially don't be pissed that you got caught. He had nobody to blame but himself and in his delusion, refused to do so.
Yea yea I got no experience with IRS anyway. Hopfully I never will but i'm just getting started so who knows.

2010-02-20, 04:16 PM
I agree - the system may not be perfect, but that doesnt give people license to flout rules and then get upset when they are busted...


2010-02-20, 04:32 PM
There is as report that the terrorist pulled out seats in his plane and had placed a full oil drum in the aircraft.
That would account for the huge amount of fire.

2010-02-20, 04:41 PM
There is as report that the terrorist pulled out seats in his plane and had placed a full oil drum in the aircraft.
That would account for the huge amount of fire.
who said he was a terrorist? and in a cirrus, not likely.

hiss srq
2010-02-20, 06:19 PM
It was a PA28 not and SR. Also, he is a terrorist really. Internal it may be but still it was a terroristic act. Afterall, when an Iraqi goes into an Iraqi police station and blows it to peices he is a terrorist right?

2010-02-20, 07:00 PM
There is as report that the terrorist pulled out seats in his plane and had placed a full oil drum in the aircraft.
That would account for the huge amount of fire.
who said he was a terrorist? and in a cirrus, not likely.

What he did was a terroristic act against our government and the people who worked in that building. His intention
was to cause as much death and destruction as possible. Thankfully he didnt suceed.
We worry about attacks by terrorists from outside this country but there is a lunatic fringe in this country that is
just as deadly and dangerous.

2010-02-20, 11:35 PM
There is as report that the terrorist pulled out seats in his plane and had placed a full oil drum in the aircraft.
That would account for the huge amount of fire.
who said he was a terrorist? and in a cirrus, not likely.

What he did was a terroristic act against our government and the people who worked in that building. His intention
was to cause as much death and destruction as possible. Thankfully he didnt suceed.
We worry about attacks by terrorists from outside this country but there is a lunatic fringe in this country that is
just as deadly and dangerous.
Yup. Problem is we dont know if and when they will snap. We cant just lock them up for life for being mentally insane.

2010-02-21, 04:57 AM
Why is a mentally ill man allowed to fly anyway?

It seems as if people are taking huge advantages of flying these days.

2010-02-25, 04:44 PM
YouTube video's down, here's a mirror: http://lemonzoo.com/funny_videos/20378/ ... maged.html (http://lemonzoo.com/funny_videos/20378/Boeing_777_saudi_airlines_plane_lands_with_damaged .html)