View Full Version : Something's missing...

2009-10-16, 03:16 PM
Heard about this from Fred last night, and took a run down this morning to check it out - the copper top of the Jones Beach water tower has been removed as part of the renovation work they are performing on the tower. I'm not sure when it was removed, and I don't know how long it's going to be off, but if you are down that way, it makes for an interesting sight, something I don't ever remember seeing before:




And what it usually looks like...

2009-10-16, 08:12 PM
Growing up, with my grandfather driving out to Jones with a car full of grandkids, we used to cal it "the pencil", and the first one to spot it on the way earned some cool points and jealous from the other cousins.

Cool shots. Sad to see, but I assume it's for the better in the future.