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View Full Version : original runways at JFK/Idelwild

2009-06-24, 09:50 PM
After looking at some overhead and satellite photos of JFK, it seems very apparent that there used to be other runways, besides the 4 in use today. I vaguely recall the really short 32/14 being used way back when. But in the photos, it looks like there were some longer ones, laid out at very different headings.

Does anyone have any old diagrams or photos showing these now defunct runways, or know when they were officially closed. :?:

2009-06-25, 01:49 AM
Hmm, there are two I can think of...

the really short one; which is now Taxiway Echo...


the one that doesn't exist anymore; but use to connect taxiway Lima; Terminal 3 & Terminal 4 ramp area, taxiway X-ray & Yankee...intersecting runways 4L & 31R. The remnants of the pier is still there.