View Full Version : Israeli Air Force 707-300 (KDOV) Pix

2009-06-01, 09:54 PM
I went to KDOV (Dover AFB) to shoot the Israeli Air Force 707-300 (264). After a disastrous and failed attempt to shoot 4X-ABH at ADW I was forced to keep this crappy heat hazed filled shot from 2004.
Of course the IAF now have converted them to tankers (This one is a VIP/Tanker). Its too bad the IAF removed the titles and markings a while back I was hoping to get my second chance before they did that..oh well. Aircraft was 264 and flew in as MTN027. For those that are interested the callsign was "Mountain Twenty Seven"
I have read that this aircraft has not been hushkitted or is only stage II. Considering all the 707s I have shot reentry this one was by far the loudest and most impressive. I was about 500 feet away and it still hurt my ears. I never get usesd to hearing those screaming engines.











Steven Holzinger
2009-06-01, 10:11 PM
Runway 32 ops? Also seems like by the picture the C-17 crew is doing a demo practice...

2009-06-01, 10:51 PM
Runway 32/14 is closed however, they were ALL OVER the airport doing manuvers I didnt know a C-17 could do. Lots of rapid banks and climbs fast banks as if they were flying an acrobatic aircraft. It was like an airshow. They would take off runway 01 shoot for the stars and then make a 180 and land on runway 19. They were all over the airport left turns right turns doing 360s over the field etc.


2009-06-01, 11:46 PM
Great shots, Senga. If you ever get to see a C-17 demo at an airshow, you will be amazed at what that aircraft can do. They fly it almost like a fighter! :shock:

Matt Molnar
2009-06-02, 12:50 AM
Great shots, Senga. If you ever get to see a C-17 demo at an airshow, you will be amazed at what that aircraft can do. They fly it almost like a fighter! :shock:

2009-06-02, 01:37 AM
Thanks guys,
Those are the exact manuvers I saw that C-17 making at DOV. I guess they were practicing for an airshow. But you know I still have to bring ti abck full circle tot he IAF 707!
Now here some more action of this same 707.
When you are looking though the view finder you miss SO much of what happening on the other side of the lens. I almost forgot this is is what I heard earlier today.
Turn up the speakers.



2009-06-02, 06:58 AM
Great shots!

As an Israeli and a former IDF soldier, I can attest to the rumbling sound this sucker makes! You could hear it overhead from miles aways :twisted:

2009-06-02, 02:51 PM
Great shots Senga, that C-17 is awesome!
Just a heads up, Dover has their airshow in a couple of weeks.

2009-06-02, 03:08 PM
What a glorious old smoker!!! Nice catches Senga!!

2009-06-03, 12:18 AM
Does the DOV show have decent static displays?
Is it worth a hour drive?
Did you get to ever fly on the IAF 707 when you were with the IDF?

2009-06-03, 12:56 AM
One thing about the 707 is with those big flaps hanging out,( iirc , they land with either 40 degress or 50) which makes it a very noisy approach due to all the drag.
Anyone notice the #1 engine pylon appears to be different than the other 3 on the IAF bird? I wonder what's up with that ?

2009-06-03, 06:55 AM
Did you get to ever fly on the IAF 707 when you were with the IDF?

Unfortunately not, but I served in a special infantry unit, which did a lot of drills with the IAF. Some included simulations of long range attacks with ground forces being deployed behind enemy lines. The 707's AKA "Re'em" in Hebrew (Oryx), did refueling and SIGNIT simulations. It was always interesting to hear this mixed sound of rumbling F-15/16 alongside the heavy wisteling sound of those old heavies. :) You just had to look up to the skies and see where the rumbling sound was coming from :)

2009-06-03, 09:04 AM
Anyone notice the #1 engine pylon appears to be different than the other 3 on the IAF bird? I wonder what's up with that ?
You will see that on most 707s. They have an engine-driven turbocompressor to deliver high pressure air for cabin pressurization, and it is housed in the "hump" on the top of the pylon. You will see these humps on the #2, 3, and 4 engine pylons, even though all three engines may not be equipped with the TC.

2009-06-03, 06:56 PM
That must have been an experience.. Every time I hear or see a 707 fly by I wonder if it will be my last. Somehow I am able to always crank out one more new type/experience.

Here is my trusty close up of the engine pylons.


2009-06-03, 08:46 PM
Does the DOV show have decent static displays?
Is it worth a hour drive?


2009-06-03, 08:51 PM
That must have been an experience..

It was indeed :)

Every time I hear or see a 707 fly by I wonder if it will be my last. Somehow I am able to always crank out one more new type/experience.

Here is my trusty close up of the engine pylons.


That is a GREAT shot! Thanks for sharing!