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View Full Version : NYC Parking Tickets

2009-03-31, 12:14 PM
I've gotten one or two tickets over the past year, and I learned a good tip about paying less on your fines.

If you plan on paying your ticket and not fighting it, pay it online. But first, follow the menu as if you are going to fight it, even though you won't. You will get to a screen where it will offer you a reduced amount instead of actually fighting it. You can accept the reduction or continue to fight. Since you don't want to fight it anyway, take the lower amount. Boom, you saved some money.

I had two $65 tickets and I immediately dropped it down to $43 with no problem. Paying it online costs an extra two bucks, but you still save $20 off of the fine. Greater fines have greater reductions.

In a time when the city looks to screw and suck-dry the regular Joe at every turn, I figured it was a good tip.

Yes, I'm aware that my name is on this. Oh well.

2009-03-31, 02:10 PM
Or you can do like I did:

Got a ticket in Astoria with a reg that expired less than 24 hours before.

Fought and won. I have in my possession the letter stating how I beat NYC ridiculous ticketing vultures.


2009-03-31, 02:33 PM
I have in my possession the letter stating how I beat NYC ridiculous ticketing vultures.
i'd frame that one for posterity.

me, i don't get them as i park in a garage. i do get to, every now and then, watch as one is given to the fool who parks and blocks my driveway.

2009-03-31, 03:48 PM
I've gotten one or two tickets over the past year...


2009-03-31, 09:21 PM
I sent them a couple of letters letting them know how the officer was wrong and I was right. After a few back and forth correspondences they just stopped responding... haven't heard from them in a few years now :borat:

2009-04-01, 08:03 AM
Great tip Phil,
However, I would probably fight them all anyway, because I am right and the city is wrong!! haha :lol:
On a related note, i found out the fine for not putting money into a parking meter is greater then the one for running a red light. If you don't pay a meter the city does not get its $.25 every half hour, but if you run a red light you can get into an accident and hurt someone, so, does anyone see something messed up in this?

2009-04-01, 08:26 AM
On a related note, i found out the fine for not putting money into a parking meter is greater then the one for running a red light. If you don't pay a meter the city does not get its $.25 every half hour, but if you run a red light you can get into an accident and hurt someone, so, does anyone see something messed up in this?
Not in my experience. I've gotten two tickets from NYC, both with aviation connections, btw...

When the first A380 came in two years ago (!) I got a parking ticket at a meter when we went to dinner afterwards. It cost $35. In January, I got caught by a red light camera in Manhattan while on the way to shoot the US Airways crash. It cost $50.

2009-04-01, 09:39 AM
I sent them a couple of letters letting them know how the officer was wrong and I was right. After a few back and forth correspondences they just stopped responding... haven't heard from them in a few years now :borat:

Done that too with beach cops who shined a lot on an intimate session at a beach with an ex GF.

and won!!