View Full Version : Plane-spotters get a rush from seeing aircraft

2009-03-13, 08:51 PM
AS an aircraft soared into the blue skies above the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang, Simon Cheong cheered. “I came here all the way from Malacca just to catch this newly-delivered AirAsia A340!”

Cheong is one of a few plane-spotters, or aviation enthusiasts as they prefer to be called, rejoiced at the sight of the aircraft with white nose and red fuselage.

They hurried forward, aiming their SLR cameras at the big vehicle and clicked away furiously.

These plane-spotters get an adrenaline rush just by viewing and taking photos of the aircraft.


2009-03-13, 10:47 PM
I feel the same but its not about "normal" planes.

The only times I ever got an adrenaline rush just by viewing and taking photos of the aircraft was of one plane and one plane only CONCORDE :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Take offs where more exciting and thrilling than landings as unlike other planes on full afterburners Concorde really did make the earth shake and at Heathrow she use to set off alarms of parked cars near the runway as she took off, wow not even a FAT porky 747 or is "new" over weight cousine the A380 can do that, but Concorde did.

Every Concorde landing especially ones when you saw "steam off wings" where more exciting than normal planes.

For 27 years every time i saw her i felt exactly the same and it was a fantastic feeling :D :D :D

People who never saw a Concorde take off or landing in real life missed a chance of a life time, she was spectacular in every sense of the word.

If see her in museum now i get the same rush of excitement and wonder.

No other plane will ever give me the same adrenaline rush as no other plane is "Concorde".

I don't call my self a "plane spotter", I am a "Concorde chaser" :D :D :D :D :D :D

If we ever get "son of Concorde" or if we saw the Russian TU144 i'd feel the same as supersonic passenger planes are unique.

flyboy 28
2009-03-13, 10:54 PM
Every Concorde landing especially ones when you saw "steam off wings" where more exciting than normal planes.



2009-03-14, 03:59 AM
flyboy 28

Thats brilliant :D :D :D :D :D thats exactly what i saw many times at Heathrow on take off and landing.