View Full Version : Cool video from a very windy ZRH

2009-03-09, 07:54 PM
Actually found this on flightaware, some very interesting windy approaches from ZRH, most resulting in go-arounds. Pay very close attention to the King Air, especially when still facing the camera.


I know as well is anyone airlines jobs are to move people (safely) but personally on days like that I think it would be better to just not fly.

Hope you enjoyed


2009-03-09, 08:02 PM
Barf Bag Heaven! :) LOL - those approaches are wild!!!!

2009-03-09, 08:08 PM
That's pretty nuts. Some of those, especially the Beech, were really getting tossed around.

2009-03-09, 10:40 PM
Loved the BAe to start as well as the A320 ending who scrambled up at the last minute.

2009-03-10, 12:37 AM
:shock: Clean up on aisle 3.......row 15 seat B.....

USAF Pilot 07
2009-03-10, 08:59 AM
Crazy video!

I like landing in windy conditions, especially a headwind or crosswind. Some of my better landings have come when it's windy out. Probably has something to do with lower groundspeeds (with a nice headwind). Also, using crosswind controls you touch down on one wheel first which who knows may do something with the aircraft inertia. Some of my worst landings have come when it was calm outside!

2009-03-10, 12:10 PM
The KC-135 was tricky to land in crosswinds. You couldn't land in a crab, as it stressed the gear, but you could have no more than about 7 degrees of bank when landing or you would drag an outboard engine on the runway (I had an aircraft commander who had done that at a previous base, earning the nickname "Pod Mary" - not that anyone said that around her :shock: )

What I found worked best for me was to keep it in a crab all the way down to the flare, then kick some rudder to straighten out while dropping the wing simultaneously. If you did it right, the upwind main gear would contact just as the nose lined up on the runway - you didn't land in a crab, but you never gave the upwind wing time to drop too far. When I was out in Indiana visiting with my old A/C (not Mary!) he commented that I was still the only other pilot he ever knew (other than himself) that used that method successfully.

2009-03-10, 06:21 PM
Great story Moose, so few of us on here have flown something that big that I know In speak for others that we really enjoy posts like yours.



USAF Pilot 07
2009-03-10, 07:29 PM
The KC-135 was tricky to land in crosswinds. You couldn't land in a crab, as it stressed the gear, but you could have no more than about 7 degrees of bank when landing or you would drag an outboard engine on the runway

I wonder if the R models have made wing low landings even more "restrictive" in terms of max AOB. I've heard many stories about 135 engine strikes during landings although not sure how many are coming from the Rs or the old Es.

Your method (or the sounds of it) is how I was taught in T6s to land in crosswinds. My IPs would generally say that if you were comfortable with how the aircraft felt crabbed into the wind on the approach, to wait until the flare to kick in that rudder and dip the wing. Of course, flaring in a T6 or even T1 is probably a whole different animal than the 135... Maybe in about 6 months or so I can tell you how so ;)

2009-03-10, 08:06 PM
Some of my better landings have come when it's windy out. Probably has something to do with lower groundspeeds (with a nice headwind).
windy conditions are always the best; and i, like you, have had better landings in high winds than a calm day. i sometimes add power and pick up the speed on approach and use the headwinds to bleed off that power when i'm on short final. personally i love flying an airplane and having to look out the SIDE windows to see forward.

i'd love to read the metar for the time when that video was shot. the third A320 was really getting kicked around, and that's a pretty heavy airplane compared to a BAe-146 or King Air. i wonder how wet that King Air pilot's uniform was after that approach. it was insane!

moose, i'm sure that the KC-135 wasn't easy to land. the engines sure hang low, i wouldn't want to mess up an approach on that one...