View Full Version : Santelli tears up Obama’s mortgage plan

Midnight Mike
2009-02-24, 01:12 PM

Matt Molnar
2009-02-24, 02:33 PM
One bright side of this disgusting program: it'll probably go broke before it makes any significant impact. There's over $1 trillion worth of mortgages either in foreclosure or at risk of foreclosure, but this plan is only funded up to $100 billion. As long as they don't extend it, hopefully it won't be so bad.

And yeah, maybe Santelli's original rant was a little over the top and Drudge made it a bigger deal than it really was, but even so, it's shameful that the press sec went after him the way that he did.

2009-02-24, 04:33 PM
Not at all. Santelli is a moron who shoots his mouth too much. I used to work in the I-banking industry and we used to hear this buffoon blab on CNBC every morning. I can't stand the guy and most traders hate him too. He's almost always way off in his analysis and he doesn't have a clue of what goes on.

It's also funny that you didn't hear a peep from him when Bush gave Santelli's banking friends all that TARP money. What a hypocrite.

Matt Molnar
2009-02-24, 05:00 PM
Not at all. Santelli is a moron who shoots his mouth too much. I used to work in the I-banking industry and we used to hear this buffoon blab on CNBC every morning. I can't stand the guy and most traders hate him too. He's almost always way off in his analysis and he doesn't have a clue of what goes on.
A lot of people dislike him, along with Kramer and Kudlow and Cavuto and, well, nearly everyone on Fox Business Channel (not that anyone watches them, sorry, News Corp. overlords.)

2009-02-24, 06:15 PM
Kudlow is another *********. Kramer is probably the only talking head there with a brain, but he's made a lot of bad picks in the past. Actually, I used to work with some people who were neighbors with Kramer in NJ. They said he wasn't a bad guy.

As for FBN, they have some really hot anchorwomen. Shibani Joshi and Nicholle Petallides are gorgeous.