View Full Version : Confess to your aviation geekdom

2008-11-22, 11:23 AM
This morning, on the way into the office, I cycled through my cd changer and starting listening to a CD I hadn't played in ages.

So I was just cruising down Pinelawn Rd, enjoying the tunes.

Suddenly at the end of the CD, the volume of the CD blasts with ATC talk.

What the....?

Oh, I remember. I'd taped the pilots' overhead announcements on my flight on Concorde. I can relive the moment and hear him whenever. Pretty geeky, eh?

Remind me to play if you y'all one time. The pilot talks about Concorde's "elegant" use of afterburners to get up in the air.

So while I've got seat cards and menus and airline seats, I think the overhead announcements are the pinnacle of my geekdom.

Have you any?

2008-11-22, 11:58 AM
Hmmm, aside from the photography & working in the aviation business, nothing, unless you count listenting to LiveATC.NET instead of music when I work at my computer. Also, on bad winter weather days, I love popping the scanner on and listening to the ISP work crews clear off the runways in between arrivals & departures.

2008-11-22, 12:06 PM
i named my dog Igor. [Sikorsky]

2008-11-22, 01:40 PM
i named my dog Igor. [Sikorsky]

I drive a Pilot!!!

2008-11-22, 01:43 PM
I'm like John - when I work at home and my wife is out of the house, I have LiveATC on tuned to JFK. My screen saver and wallpapers on my two laptops (one work, one personal) are my pictures from JFK - I guess that counts a little!

2008-11-22, 03:42 PM
I've listened to Live ATC at the office a few times as well, esp on rainy winter days.

Matt, I've got one better. My buddy, this Pan Am lover, got to name his 3rd son


wait for it.......

Brody Trippe, first, middle name.

gotta love that.

Smartass Flyboy
2008-11-22, 05:30 PM
hmmm, geekdom, hmmm

Desktop in MSP wallpaper is final AF Concorde flight taking off from JFK.

Desktop on laptop wallpaper is 9W 777-300 at LHR

liveatc.net usually playing at work

work has 4 aircraft models in my cube

home has 10 aircraft models displayed

screensaver in MSP is a visual depiction by schedule of all NW/KL aircraft in the air as day/night is depicted on a map of the world in motion.

2008-11-22, 06:28 PM
I used to bring my scanner into work and listen to all the Manhattan helicopter traffic during lunch hour. When the weather was nice I'd walk down to the old East 60 Street Heliport for some on scene action. Always fun.
Just a quick side note. On 9/11 after I heard what was going on I ran down to my locker at work to get my scanner but realized I had forgotten it that day which was rare for me back then. But after hearing some time later the released transmissions of trapped and dying FD/PD I was grateful I didnt have it.

2008-11-22, 06:46 PM
Good stuff. Who else has got their geek on?

You know, Phil still dresses up in his Captain Commando PJ's and pretends to play fighter pilot at home, with can of soda in this left hand as throttle and a cucumber in his right hand as the joystick. Beat that.

2008-11-22, 07:00 PM
I've never had an ATC radio.

The first ATC from planes I ever heard of was from my Concorde flight (After my flight Friends sent me tapes over of it until it cut out before we reached mach 1 and mach 2), when ever i listen to it i find very interesting.

Its better than listening to some current pop music.

I also find the ATC from the Apollo Astronaughts very interesting as well.

From my flight i transcripted all the ATC letter for letter in to my trip report and i have sounds of it.

Mario can you put an MP3 file of your ATC on here ?

2008-11-22, 07:01 PM
That's not a pretty picture Mario - a cucumber...no....no...don't need that picture!.....There is one thing you and I share on the geekdom - sons that love airplanes - and we take them spotting with us!!!

2008-11-22, 10:56 PM
....My buddy, this Pan Am lover, got to name his 3rd son... ....Brody Trippe, first, middle name.
doubt i would ever go that far. my geekdom is somethign i try not to pass on to others, they just don't understand.

....and a cucumber in his right hand as the joystick. Beat that.
mario, in the future please refrain from using the words cucumber, joystick and beat together in that context in the same sentence. :mrgreen:

2008-11-23, 04:21 PM
>There is one thing you and I share on the geekdom - sons that love airplanes - and we take them spotting with us!!![/quote]<

From about 1990 to 1998 when I lived in Forest Hills I used to take my kids to Floyd Bennett Field at least
once a weekend. It was great back then with PD Aviation and CGAS Brooklyn always busy. After awhile
my kids used to call it the "Copter Park". We had great times spotting helos there and at the same time
they learned to roller blade and ride bikes. Now my kids goof on me about my coptergeekdom. My younger
son will see me checking out a passing helo and sarcastically ask me "What is that Dad a Bell 357654"?
But at the same time they will inform me of low flying copters they saw in the neighborhood or even take
pictures with their cell phones and send it to me. And my oldest son has been to the Jones Beach air show the
last two years with his buddies so I guess all my aviation geekyness was not lost on them. :D

2008-11-28, 03:30 PM
Let's see...
- LiveATC.net instead of music
- Xavius ARTCC simulator instead of World of Warcraft
- Arranging travel such that I got to go on Northwest Avro's couple years ago. Could of left a day early to go home otherwise. People I was traveling with hated me ;-)

Plus the collection of napkins, in-seat briefing cards, and so on :roll: