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View Full Version : Fascinating Article in Time about the new race for the Moon

2008-11-16, 09:49 PM
For those of you like me who are interested in Manned Space Flight you might find the below article from Time Magazine Fascinating. I had no idea there where at least 5 goverments working on sending humans to the moon, and that doesn't include the private sector. There are also interesting details about the US's second manned moon program, there is even a photo of the Apollo comand module's replacment full size mock up, very exciting reading !

http://www.time.com/time/magazine/artic ... 78,00.html (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1858878,00.html)



2008-11-17, 06:33 AM
That is fascinating stuff apart from Concorde, Apollo and manned space flight is my second love and to this day I still love Concorde and manned spaceflight.

Its a pity in my life time i will never see the invention of warp drive and the "real" SS Enterprise.

The Apollo landing sites are historic and should be preserved for the future, few years ago i even wrote to the UN about it but heard nothing back.

Nasa should have kept a seperate fleet of Saturn Vs and Shuttles working in tandem as with the ISS the Saturn V could have built it faster......

The new rockets look good but personnaly they should have a small re-usable rocket similar to spaceship one

but this could carry 6-7 people to the ISS.

2 x Orion CSMs would be docked to the ISS and the Aries V would lift things in to the ISS, like fuel, tools, parts etc.

At the ISS the crew could board one of the Orions, do a TLI to the moon.

Land on the moon, do moon things, come back to ISS and then come back to earth in a spaceship one.

Re-using spaceship one would lesson costs of sending men to space and the moon.

That could easily be done, but i don't think Nasa will want to do it that way as it doesn't look as good as blasting men in to space on "son of Saturn 1b" (Orion) and sending men back to the moon on "son of Saturn V" (Aries V).