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2008-08-29, 02:27 PM
Just wanted to share some of my most recent work.

Tell me what you guys think. Thanks







2008-08-29, 02:38 PM
ohi picture #2! :mrgreen:

Very good work, Eric. You continue to progress and get better and better!

2008-08-29, 02:43 PM
Shots #1 & 2 - The shadows are distracting.

#3 - Really dig it. :borat:

#4 - Perhaps too risquee for someone who appears to be so young.

#5 - Thighs!!!

#6 & 7 - Very nice...especially #7.

Matt Molnar
2008-08-29, 02:50 PM
#1: Awesome colors
#2: Beautiful shot, beautiful girl
#3, 5, 6 and 7: Great composition

Just kidding, Eric. Keep up the good work! :)

2008-08-29, 02:54 PM
#4 - Perhaps too risquee for someone who appears to be so young.

She is of Age. Over the Age of 18 that is.

2008-08-29, 03:36 PM
Jeez, she's got a baby face then. That'll be good to have in 40 years lol.

2008-08-29, 04:21 PM
Great work Eric, thanks for sharing.

2008-08-29, 05:02 PM
Great work, Eric, but I don't see any airplanes in any of the shots :wink:

2008-08-29, 10:46 PM
Outstanding work....I'm a BIG fan of #2....I need to get a girlfriend who will model for me...I think I've just been inspired. Thank you for sharing! And, on a more appropriate note, outstanding color and tone.

2008-08-30, 12:11 AM
#1: Excellent color. You really nailed multiple tones of blue that are difficult to get properly in photographs I think. The sneakers on the floor add a lot fo composition.

#2: Great everything, although a little more filler light in the shadows might help, and maybe a smidgen more contrast.

#3: Nice, but the photo itself is a little dark. Good framing.

#4: She looks like a better subject for a dark, black and white shot. Her outfit contradicts the cheerful, playground mood, which isn't your fault of course.

#5: Good capture, but I'd edit out her armpit wrinkles.

#6: Maybe a tiny bit more contrast needed, but very good.

#7: Great. I seem to be a big fan of contrast, as I'd still add a little more there. Maybe zoom out a tad.

Like I said before, great stuff. My above opinions are only nitpicking.