View Full Version : I saw Airbus A380 for the first time!!!

2008-08-16, 12:10 AM
Big deal your probably thinking :D Well it was for me!!!

Even though it was a pretty hazy day today and i wasn't anywhere near the airport, i was still lucky enough not to only see the A380, but to also have my nikon D40 with me!!!

I'll never forget this moment in the aviation history which for me only now became personal. All of us browse a.net and jp but i think we'll all agree that even after seeing hundreds of pictures of planes/helicopters, we still experience a much bigger thrill when seeing them with our own eyes. So after seeing hundreds of pictures of A380 i still never felt properly excited about the airplane, until today that is!!! :)

To me this moment is probably on the same scale of excitement as seeing Antonov An-225 Mriya for the first time back in 2003. By the way both An-225 as well as A380 were going for 13L approach when i saw them :) (if i'm not mistaken its the first A380 landing on 13L)


2008-08-21, 11:01 PM
good for you man... no one can take that thrill away from ya....