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View Full Version : Photo Sale Request Question

2008-08-07, 06:41 PM
Was contacted by someone who wants to use a shot of mine (NYPD helo) as a page header for his website, and is offering to pay for it. He won't need a high rez copy, and right now the site has an "under construction" home page, but it doesn't sound like a big operation.

Any advice on what to ask? I'm thinking something nominal, maybe $25 or so.


2008-08-07, 07:01 PM
I'd try to learn more about what the site will be, and how much moeny they might be making. If not much, I'd charge $50. If they seem like it's a serious business, maybe $125.

2008-08-07, 08:09 PM
The problem is, if the price is too high...they just will go elsewhere. If it is Big site with lots of views, sounds like Phil would be right and upping the price....... But if the site is "Under Construction" it would have to be a good url like...

BIG Hooters.com

I would love to see the URL and the Pic